CH 16 - The Care

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You go to school like usually. Now people was looking and gossiping about you become BTS step sister. You take deep breath and walk down at the hallway.

Eunha : Hi, Y/N.

Your friends greet you.

Y/N : Hi, guys. I know you guys have a lot things to ask but please don't ask anything for now.

DK : Okay. We'll wait until you're ready.

Woozi : Let's get inside the class.

All of you walk to the class and take a sit. You was shocked when you saw Jungkook sit next to you. You about to walk away when he spoke.

Jungkook : Sit here.

You turn around and look at him.

Y/N : I can sit at other place.

Jungkook : Don't you hear what i said.

You take deep breath and walk to his side. You take a sit and take out the book for the first lesson.

Jungjook : Have you eat breakfast yet?

Y/N : You don't have to care.

Jungkook : Here. Some sandwich.

He said as he pass me a paper bag that have the sandwich.

Y/N : I don't want it.

Jungkook : At least accept it.

Y/N : No. Don't you understand what i say !

You kind of pissed off.

Jungkook : Y/N...

Y/N : You and your brother didn't like me so don't pretend to care about me.

You said in annoy. Jungkook sighed and let you be. You being at one empty corridor just to be alone. You didn't eat lunch.

You keep crying. You feel so sad and tired with all this. You take one small knife and cut your wrist but not too deep. You didn't feel any pain anymore because this is not the first time you cut your wrist.

You close your eyes as the blood flowed from your wrist. You were sobbing. You hoping someone will be there for you so you can cry on that person shoulder.

?? : Are you trying to kill yourself right now?

You open your eyes weakly and saw BTS. Jin was wrapping your injure wrist with his handkerchief. You about to pull your hand but he stop you.

Y/N : What did you guys doing here?

Namjoon : To check on you, maybe.

Y/N : Why? Because you guys feel pity toward me?

Yoongi : Maybe.

You let out a sad chuckled. Then suddenly you burst out of tears. BTS was shock.

Jimin : Yahh...Why did you cry?

You didn't answer him instead you keep sobbing and crying. Jungkook slowly come closer and take you into his embrace.

You cry loudly in his embrace. You make fist at his shirt. He pat gently your back. You slowly lose conscious in his embrace. He manage to catch you.

Jin : Take her to the mansion.

Taehyung : Hyung, i thought you don't want her there.

Jin : Tae, we can't deny that she already one from us. At least we can treat her that way.

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