CH 44 - Escape

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You have been locked in one room. You stay silent inside the room while thinking about what they say that evening. Then your mom come inside that room.

Mom : This is dinner for you.

Y/N : I don't want to eat.

Your mom sit infront of you.

Mom : I trying to keep you alive. Such a ungrateful girl.

She said in annoy.

Y/N : Why did you make me get involve with mafia? You know that they was a mafia at the first place. So why you...

Mom : Y/N, i still want to convince you to become my crime partners. How about we work together to make them fall. Kim was happy when he found out that i have a daughter. He got excited and design your room by himself.

Y/N : But why, mom? Mr Kim sincerely love you. He give you everything that you want. So why you betraying them like this? Isn't that enough for you? He pour all his love toward you but you choose Sunghoon over him.

Mom : Y/N, i also need a man that can make me happy in my life and on bed. Yes, Kim is rich but he can't satisfy me in a way that i want. Sunghoon fulfill all my desire.

You throw the food away.

Y/N : I shame to admit you as my mother. That's why i never want you to come and take my report card. You're just embarassing me. You always like this since i was still a kid. Why you keep do like this? Me and dad move away from Jeju because of you. We have been humiliated whole of our life because of your stupid act !

You yell at her and gain a hard slap from your mother.

Mom : Yah ! You think i want to live in poor life like you and your dad ! No ! I hate every second that i have with you guys ! I love to live with Kim since he can buy everything that i want but not everyone is perfect.

Y/N : So Sunghoon is perfect for you?

Mom : Like i say..Not everyone is perfect but after we destroy Kim's, he will be perfect to be my husband.

Your tears flowed slowly.

Mom : You can be my bridesmaid this time.

Y/N : You are not my mother ! I ashamed to call you as my mother.

Mom : Up to you. Since you throw this food away, you won't get any food anymore. You starving your ownself.

She said and left. You was too angry. You destroy everything in that room.
Your hand was bleeding from the broken glass and wood.


I have been stuck there for 3 days. I don't have my phone or anything with me. I have to get out from here and give them a warn.

Suddenly Sunghoon come in with a tray of food. I disgust look at him. I backward and stay at the wall. He put the food tray on the table and take a sit.

Sunghoon : Have some food. You didn't eat for the past few days. Eat something.

Y/N : I willing to die than eat that food.

Sunghoon : Y/N, make it easy for us and i'm promise that i will let you go.

Y/N : I trust you, oppa. I took you to work with my dad but this is what you do. You take advantage...

He cut me.

Sunghoon : Shut up, Y/N ! You doesn't know anything about me ! My parents kill theirself after their beloved son do suicide. They can't accept the truth. I took an oath to kill all of them for my family.

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