CH 7 - Make She Annoy

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You join them for breakfast tomorrow morning. BTS seems cold with you. They didn't talk anything since you're arrive yesterday.

Mr Kim : Kids, we have an announcement to make.

Jin : What is it, dad?

Mr Kim : Me and your mom going to honeymoon for 2 weeks starting from tomorrow.

Namjoon : Oh....Okay, dad.

Mom : And Y/N, you know that your dad will not be around for 2 weeks since he flew back to Jeju-do.

You nod as you keep eating.

Mom : You will stay here with your brother.

You stop eating and look at her.

Y/N : You're kidding?

Your tone turn cold. They seems alert with your behavior.

Y/N : Why did you told me to sleep over if you're not around?

Mom : So you can get close with your brother. You know, bonding time.

Y/N : I hate them and i don't want to spent time with them.

Mr Kim was shock hearing that.

Mr Kim : You're hate my son?

You sighed.

Y/N : I will take my leave first.

You said and bow toward them. You walk out from the mansion. You took a bus to go to school. You arrive there and walk straight to your class.

The class already start but Jungkook didn't show himself. You feel guilty about what you say this morning. You sighed and focus on the class.

A driver come to pick you up when the school already finish. You get inside the car and back to the mansion. Seems like nobody at home except for the maid and few guards.

?? : Y/N?

You stop walking and turn around. You a bit shocked when you saw Mr Kim.

Y/N : Mr Kim? You're home? Where is the others?

Mr Kim : They went out for shopping. I just coming back from the office. Can we have a talk?

He said as he take a sit. You also take a sit at the couch infront of him.

Mr Kim : About this morning...

Y/N : First of all, i wanna say sorry about this morning. I shouldn't say that infront of you. I'm sorry about my rude behavior.

You said and low your head a bit.

Mr Kim : Y/N, i didn't mad about that. I just feel hurtful with your word.

Y/N : I'm sorry once again. I really didn't mean it. That word just slipped out from my mouth.

Mr Kim : What is your problem with your mom actually? It start to bothering me.

Y/N : I believe my mom already told you what she need to tell.

Mr Kim : So is it true that you mad at your mom because she get divorce with your dad?

You look at him. You sighed.

Y/N : You can believe whatever you want but i won't say anything.

You said and get up. You about to walk upstair but he spoke something.

Mr Jim : You didn't deny it and you also didn't confirm it. You're hiding something, right.

Y/N : Just let me keep that secret and bury it with me until i died.

You said and walk to your room. You rest inside your room. Then not too long, your mother get into your room.

Mom : Hi, Y/N. How's school today?

Y/N : Like usually.

Mom : Y/N, look all this. I bought it for you.

You sit up and look at the shopping bag. Your jaw dropped when you see it.

Y/N : What is all this?

Mim : Your dad told me to buy all this for you.

Y/N : Step-dad, mom.

You correct her as you look at the shopping bag.

Y/N : This is too many, mom. You don't have to buy all this for me. You should told Mr Kim too.

Mom : Just accept his good intention, Y/N. It's not like you always get like this all the time.

Y/N : What do you mean?

Mom : If you want to wait for your father to buy it for you, then you have to wait until you get old. He doesn't have money.

Y/N : Mom !

Mom : What? It's true, right?

Y/N : Yeah...It's true. He didn't have money. But he have the love that i need. He raise me ve....ry well even without a wife at his side. Don't you think so, mom?

She look at you angrily.

Mom : Watch your mouth, Y/N !

She said in gritted teeth.

Y/N : Mom, you won't be able to do what dad always do to me even you have a lot of money. You won't be able to win my heart back.

Mom : It's already past, Y/N. We should keep going in our life.

Y/N : A past? Are you sure it's a past, mom? Because i still living on that story until today.

Mom : You should forget about it.

Y/N : Forget about what, mom? I didn't know what should i forget because there was so many things that happen. May you let me know?

She look really angry. She throw the shopping bag on the floor and left your room angrily. You sighed and lie down back again on the bed.

You miss your dad. He going back to Jeju-do to meet his friends there. And he also wanna visit his mom grave. You just hope that he will be here very soon.

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