CH 24 - Send Away

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Your step father call BTS after dinner. You already fall asleep in Jungkook room. You feel so tired lately.

Dad : So..... Mind to explain to me about what's going on? Why did your step sister become your girlfriend?

Namjoon : Dad, something actually happened.

Dad : Explain it.

Yoongi : Actually, Mr Kang's son is
Y/N stalker.

Dad : What ! A stalker?

He slam the table hardly and get up. He look so mad.

Dad : Why you guys didn't told me anything?

Hoseok : Y/N don't want to make you worry.

Dad : So what now?

Namjoon : So Jungkook take care of her as a boyfriend for now.

Dad : A boyfriend? Where did you guys get this idea?

Jungkook : It just come like that.

Dad : Fine. Do whatever you could to protecting your sister.

Jin : Dad, can we ask something?

Dad : What is it?

Yoongi : When mom coming home to this mansion again?

Mr Kim stay silent.

Dad : I don't know. She didn't pick up my call. She also didn't reply my text.

Hoseok : Maybe you should go to find her. You know where is she, right?

Dad : I know but she the one that lie to me. She the one that should come back. I never chase her away. She leave by herself.

Taehyung : Dad, mom was mad about Y/N matter.

Dad : I know. But Y/N was not guilty in any way. Your mom have to apologizes to her.

Jungkook : That was right. Dad, about Y/N..

Dad : I know. I will manage something for her.

Jungkook : Thanks, dad.

Mr Kim nod. BTS leave to their own room. Jungkook enter his room and he saw you sleeping peacefully on his bed.

He sighed. The outfit that he give to you is belong to Soo Yun. His older sister. But he can't say it so he create a lie. That outfit is for Soo Yun birthday but he didn't manage to give it.

Everytime BTS look at you, they will remember about Soo Yun. She was few years older than you. Both of you really have different behavior. You're more mature than her.

You wake up the next morning. You wake up so late because it was Saturday. You turn around and saw Jungkook. You sit up and stretch your body.

You get off from his bed and walk to your room. You take a shower and change your clothes. You open the curtain and have a shocked face. You saw Minho outside of the mansion. He was looking at the mansion.

He smirk when he saw you. He waving at you. Your eyes wavering but you still look at him. You feel scared. You walk to Jin room and you jump on top of him.

Jin : Ouch !

He groan in annoy.

Jin : Y/N ? Is that you?

Y/N : Oppa, i'm scared.

He open his eyes and look at you. He push you away gently.

Jin : What happen? Why are you scared?

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