CH 20 - Bastard Back

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You have been tutoring Jungkook for couple weeks and he seems to doing good lately. He able to solve problem that have been give by the teacher. He didn't scared to be call by teacher again.

You was waiting for the bus while solving some question in your study book. You keep looking but no bus yet. You sighed and keep waiting.

?? : Hi.

You raise your head and look at that person.

Y/N : Oh hi Jungkook. What are you doing here? I thought you already went home.

Jungkook : I just about to going home but i saw you here. You're going to the mansion, right?

Y/N : Yeah.

Jungkook : Come. We're in the same way.

Y/N : I..

Jungkook : Come on. You don't trust me?

Y/N : Not like that. Ugh fine..

Both of you get inside the car. The driver drive to one restaurant.

Y/N : I thought we're going home?

Jungkook : I'm hungry. Lets go eat something.

You guys step out from the car. He lead you to one private room and he open the door. You was shock because the others was there.

Jimin : Why are you late, Kook?

Jungkook : I have some work just now.

Taehyung : And why is she here?

Jungkook : Because i bring her here. Come and take a sit.

You sit between Jungkook and Jimin.

Jin : Let's order.

He said and all of you put on the orders. You order a beef burger with a  glass of coke.

Taehyung : You will pay for yourself, right?

Y/N : Of course. You think i don't have money?

Taehyung : Who know? Maybe dad give you money and you want to use that money even it was not your money.

Y/N : Listen here ,you're spoiled brat ! I work at my dad cafe and he paid me. And i...don't want a penny from your stink pocket !

You said angrily.

Taehyung : So rude !

Y/N : Whatever.

Hoseok : Do you guys have to argue everytime you guys meet?

He ask. You keep solving the question.

Namjoon : Jungkook, i think Y/N tutoring is working on you. Your teacher praise you a lot lately.

Jungkook : Really? Then, thanks to Y/N . It was her hard working.

Y/N : Not me, dude. You should praise yourself. You the one that study hard. I just teach you few things.

You said without look at him. Then you guys eat when the food arrive. You eat a bit messy. Jimin take a tissue and wipe your mouth.

Jimin : You eat so messy.

Y/N : How you eat burger without a messy?

He look so done with you.

Y/N : What? Just asking.

You said and keep eating. You was eating when a message pop up at your phone.

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