CH 28 - Leaving

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You stay with your step father for now. Because BTS want to spend time with you. You spend more time with them. Watching movie together, studying together and playing games together. You guys act more like a friends.

?? : Hi, boys.

You guys turn around and saw someone standing there. Your face turn cold as BTS was happy to see that person.

BTS : Mom !

They rush to hug your mom. But you was standing there in silent.

Dad : Minji? You're home?

Mom : Hi, honey. Yes. I'm home now.

Jungkook : Mom, why did your belly become big?

Mom : Well .....since i got pregnant.

Dad : You're pregnant?

He rush to his wife and hug her tightly. You slowly bring yourself to your room.

Dad : When did you know that you're pregnant?

Mom : Like a month after i left? I keep having bad headache. My body feel so weak so i go to got an check up. And it turns out i was pregnant. Even the doctor say that my age is on risk to get pregnant.

Dad : I'm sorry. I didn't know about it. Why you didn't let me know? I can go and pick you up.

Mom : It's okay. I also need time to relax my messy mind. I have made a decision. Big decision actually.

Dad : Decision?

Mom : Yes. Regarding Y/N matter.

Suddenly you spoke.

Y/N : Me? What's wrong with me? Why? Have you decide to really throw me away this time?

You ask as you take a sit.

Dad : Y/N, maybe your mom want to apologizes.

Y/N : I doubt it, Mr Kim from the way she spoke. I can read her mind. Am i right, mom?

Dad : Honey, tell Y/N about your decision. Tell her that what she said is a joke.

Mom : It's not. Her guess was right.

BTS : Mom !

They was shocked.

Jin : Why?

Mom : I can't keep arguing with her, boys. I'm tired with her behavior. I try to tolerate but i can't anymore.

Y/N : Good to hear all that from your own mouth, Mrs Kim. I guess i have to call you that after this. Cuz you're no longer my mom.

Mom : Yeah. Let's do that. You can't come here anymore. Lets pretend that all of us didn't know each other. Lets cut all the relationship that we have...

Dad : SHUT UP !

Mr Kim yell loudly.

Dad : What do you mean by that? You want to send she off?

Mom : Honey, she also doesn't want to be here, right. She didn't regard you all as a family.

Y/N : Yeah. She's right.

Yoongi : Shut your mouth, Y/N ! We have been good for the past couple months. Why are you act like this?

Y/N : Cuz i just pretending.

You lie at them.

Jungkook : Pretending? You don't know how to pretending.

Y/N : Remember that i said that we can be close but we can't be too close. Because every meeting will come to the end.

Jimin : Y/N !

Taehyung : You can't do this toward us ! You said that you accepting us as your brother !

They yelling at you.

Y/N : You guys still my step brother. We can meet at the school.

Dad : Y/N !

Y/N : I will clean up my room before i left.

Mom : Y/N.

You turn around and look at her.

Mom : Remember that i was no longer your mother. So don't call me 'mom' when we meet at outside.

Y/N : Of course, Mrs Kim.

You said and walk upstair. You pack all your things. Then BTS come to your room.

Jungkook : Y/N, please don't go.

Y/N : Don't be too sad. We'll met at the school.

Jungkook : No. You can't leave.

Y/N : Oppa, i always here for you guys. Just give me a call if you need anything...

Jin walk to you. He turn you around and hug you tightly. All of them hug you. You feel like wanna cry but you can't.

Y/N : Don't do like this.

Yoongi : Don't go.

Y/N : Oppa ..

Yoongi : No! Just don't go ! I will talk with mom. So please...

Y/N : Okay.. Like this. I will leave for today since mom was pregnant right now and she can't be too stress. I will come back later. Okay?

BTS : Promise?

Y/N : I'm promise. You guys know right that i never listen to mom.

Jin : Then, let me send you home.

Y/N : Okay. Ermm..Can you guys help me to carry all these things?

Jungkook : Leave the rest. You coming back after all.

Y/N : Okay, young master.

You say and they cheer up a bit. You guys go downstair. Your step father wait for you.

Step Dad : Y/N, just stay.

He whisper to you. You hold his hand and pull him to the pool side.

Y/N : Dad, i will come to visit you.

Step Dad : Promise?

Y/N : You're really the same as your son's.

He giggling a bit.

Step Dad : Whatever. Promise me?

Y/N : I'm promise.

Step Dad : We're still the best stepfather and the best stepdaughter, right?

Y/N : Of course.

You said as you bump your fist with him. He hug you and kiss your head.

Y/N : I will take my leaving first.

Step Dad : Call me if you need anything.

Y/N : Okay, dad. No worries.

You said as you smile sweetly at him. Then you walk to BTS. They drop you off at your father house.

You enter your room and sighed. You was sad to leaving them. You want to cry but no tears come out from your eyes.

You staring outside the house from your window. You miss them already. But it was good to leave them a bit early before anything.

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