Chapter 46.) Stay the Course

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With her Halloween decoration up around the cozy home, Ava was slowly becoming comfortable with learning to move around without needing or wanting Lucky to be there to hold her hand. She enjoyed having him around. Always there whenever she needed him but she knew that this current experience was teaching her strength. She realized that she was stronger than her thoughts. Her doubts. Her fears. She was as strong and capable as Lucky constantly told her that she was, she just needed to believe it. And she has been believing in herself for the past two months.

She missed her best friend. Her soul mate. Her husband. He was her twin flame and diary but she understood that sometimes if he had to leave her alone, she was never truly alone. She was already surrounded by love and just thinking about him always brought her a sense of comfort. She would have loved to hear from him but did not want to be a distraction.

It was October the 11th. The air was chilly, the days were shorter and the nights were longer. Fall was in full effect but soon, winter would pay everyone a visit. October was just among many of the favorite months of the year. Kids were excited and ready for the end of the month when they knew, they'd be able to dress up in their favorite costumes and go strolling for tricks or treats. This special month was always busy for businesses but also for families.

Just last year, Ava had endured one of the most traumatic events of her life but this year, she knew things would be different. She had the best support from her family and friends, and even the puppies were keeping a smile on her face. Outside of her family, Ava was also receiving support and encouragement from Elise.

"Have you been having any nightmares?" Elise asked Ava as Zora busied herself with her many toys.

"Not lately, I've been in a good mood which is oddly strange to me."

"Strange?" Elise leaned forward, "why do you feel it's strange?"

Ava shrugged, "I feel like I should be all over tha' place right now, or like depressed like tha' last time."

"Oh ok, so it seems as if you aren't used to things going well in your life for too long. You're used to something going wrong but now that everything seems to be going right, you aren't sure how to act..."

"Pretty much," she answered, "but I think it's a good thing because I do have to be able to do what I'm supposed to do for ZoZo."

Elise smiled, "Exactly. You were allowed to be in a dark place last year because you had your family around and you were supposed to feel everything. But... though you still have the support from your family, you knew what would take place before Lucky left. He prepared you for this moment, which is why you've been so calm."


"Other than that, how is work? I know you're doing a back-to-school sale."

Ava smiled, "I love being able to create again. I've had so many ideas since I had ZoZo and they just keep flowing."

"She's been your muse," Elise smiled glancing at Zora as she talked to the doll.

Ava nodded. "She has and the baby clothes are selling like crazy. Tha' full winter line drops from tha' beginning of December until the end of February and then I have a baby spring-summer line."

"I love the plan and I'll be supporting per usual, how is everything else going?"

"Well... Luck's dad has been trying to get to know me better but I've been keeping things at a distance."

"Why so?"

"I know dis is something I have to work on, but I still do not trust him. I just feel like he should be focused on building his relationship with his son, not me or his granddaughter. I don't even know if Luck wants Zo dealing with him like dat... all I can think about is when he gets back and I tell him I let his fat— donor near our daughter, I'm in trouble..."

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