Chapter 51.) Closure?

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"So you were invited to your niece's birthday party, how'd that make you feel?" Dr. Rissa asked Reign.

"Kinda shocked mi... but wi mostly kept our distance," she admitted.

Dr. Rissa nodded, "did she keep her distance or did you keep yours?"

Reign chuckled, "maybe mi... but I wuz playing it safe."

"Mm-hmm... it was a party for her daughter, does her daughter play well with yours?"

"Yeh, they adore each other."

"Well that's good... so, tell me what has been going on since the last time we talked?"

"As of today... di separation is in motion."

Dr. Rissa's eyes widened, "Oh man... sorry to hear that, I know in Virginia when kids are involved, partners have to be separated for six months to a year... do you think he'll actually go through with the divorce?"

Reign shrugged, "I initiated everyting... so most likely. Mi sister seh he may just be doing it to teach mi a lesson but after today... I know it's real."

"Man... and from what I remember you telling me... Dad, had a birthday a couple of months ago, right?"

Reign nodded.

"Did you send him anything?"

"A text and a card..."

"What'd he say?"


"How'd that make you feel?"

Sighing, Reign leaned into the cushion, "honestly... no clue. I sort of expected it. I just hate dah it's gotten dis bad."

"I believe the best medicine for you for these next two months would be to hone into yourself. Relearn yourself, tap back into self-love, self-care, and being a mom. You never know, your growth may be the change your ex wants to see in order for him to come back. If not, as long as you recognize your power, you'll be able to handle anything that comes your way."

Agreeing, Reign exhaled then frowned, "maybe I do need to see wah being single is like again... I fell in love with him in high school... all I've known is him. I guess dis is a good ting."

Dr. Rissa nodded, "There is no fault in that. You've been with him for a decade-plus, known him for two. I will say that by him going through with the separation, now is the time for you to figure out who Reign is. Not the person you were when you two met. Not the person you were when you were dating and married. Who is Reign when she is solo? Who is Reign as a person? When you find her, hold onto her."

Reign smiled, "I got yuh."


"Do you want me to stay?" Ava asked Lucky as she secured Zora in the car seat. It's been a week since he's been home and a couple of days ago, Hakim called and asked if he could stop by. Of course Lucky wanted to decline, being that he felt as if he was finally able to close the door on his past but some odd part of him agreed.

"I'll be good," he assured as lifted the car seat and followed her out into the brisk air. While he and Hakim would have their discussion, Ava would be at her parents' house just to see how her other favorite person was doing.

"I'll stay," she urged. She was scared on Hakim's behalf.

Chuckling, Lucky shook his head, "have some faith in me," he winked at her.

"I do..." she pouted, "I just want... you deserve peace, that's all," she sighed.

"I have dat," he smiled at her, "stop worrying," stealing a kiss from her, he focused on getting Zora situated in the backseat. "Don't you go over there and start getting into no mess."

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