Chapter 8

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———— I V A N N A ————


It had been two whole days since my fake date with Kioshi.

I stared up at the ceiling as I lay in my bed, replaying the events in my head over and over and over.

I hadn't seen him since, but I had a lecture in an hour and I knew he would be there. I really didn't want to put up with him but at the same time, I wasn't going to flunk the assignment just because of him.

I sat up as the key rattled in the lock of my dorm door and Chloe stepped in. She paused as she saw me, her face falling, "I thought you would be out."

I stood up, swallowing as I met her saddened stare. We hadn't spoken since that night outside Kioshi's.

"Chloe..." I began, brain fumbling for words to say, "I never meant to hurt you with what I said ok?"

She looked past me, not meeting my eye.

Guilt was eating me alive. I had kissed Kioshi, sure, I hadn't known it was him but that didn't help my conscious in the slightest. I had kissed him and I had asked him to be my pretend boyfriend just to throw off my stupid ex, all whilst knowing Chloe had liked him.

I stepped towards her and wiped my clammy hands on my pants. My heart fell at her sad and confused face. There was no way I was going to tell her that right there and then, she was already upset at me. But there was also no way I was losing my best and only friend over something stupid like that.

I opened my mouth and the words spilled out, "I know how much you like him Chloe. I was just being stupid ok? There's no way he wouldn't like you, your amazing. I shouldn't have said what I said and I'm so sorry that-"

"Oh Vanna, it's ok!" She threw her hands around me and pulled me into a tight hug, "I know you were just upset because I woke you up so late, I'm sorry about that too."

My whole body shuddered with relief as I returned her tight hug.

"Shit," I breathed, "I thought you hated my guts."

She laughed her usual bubbly laugh as she pulled away, "You so stupid at times, I could never hate you."

I winced at those words, If only I could take back that stupid kiss.

It was only a matter of time before she found out, I had to make sure she heard it from me first. But looking at her smiling face, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I couldn't stand the thought of her angry at me, hating me. Because she would. She really really would.

So I just gave her a smile In return and pushed that thought to the back of my mind.

"Oh and I forgot," Chloe shook me by the shoulders, "Mason was telling me about a costume party tonight!"

I groaned, "Are you really being serious Chloe? We're in Collage for fucks sake!"

She laughed, "Your not getting out of this one, I had this great idea of us going in matching angel and devil costumes!"

I rolled my eyes, "We aren't little kids, why the hell are collage students having costume parties at this age?"

She pushed past me and dumped the two bags I only just noticed she had been carrying into our shared desk. "Your coming, even if I have to drag you there by your hair."

The stern look she gave me made me laugh, "Why is it that parties is the only thing your ever serious about?"

She shrugged and smiled, "I want to DIY our costumes and your gonna help."

I approached the desk, eyeing the two bags, "I have a lecture in less than an hour."

"Well," she began pulling out the most random things out of the bag, "Your just gonna have to skip it, what harm could missing one lecture be?"

I blinked at her, "It could mean the difference between graduating or not."

She gave me a surprised look, "Sheesh Vanna, It's just one lecture, I'm missing mine too."

I shook my head, "For a costume party? Are you serious?"

Chloe grasped my hands, "Kioshi is going to be there! I need to look hot ok? And I need your help."

I cringed at the mention of him. I should have seen that coming. Obviously she wanted to go because he would be there. And that was all the more reason I couldn't go.

I tried to let her down slowly, "I have some missed assignments I need to-"

Chloe blinked at me with her precious deer-in-headlights look, turning her lips down in a sad pout, "Please Vanna, this could be my chance."

I groaned, palming my face, "I'll never get what you see in him."

"Is that a yes."

I glared at her, "Just this one. If you ever ask me to miss a lecture again, I'll bite off your fucking head."

It was really stupid of me, I knew, but I didn't want to face Kioshi after the date. If I just avoided him at the stupid costume party, I wouldn't have to see him for another two days until the next lecture on Monday.


Chloe practically jumped in excitement, crushing me into another tight hug, "Yesssss, I love you so much Vanna!"

I couldn't help but wonder how much she would love me once she found out.

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