Chapter 16

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———— I V A N N A ————


She was breathtaking. Utterly breath-taking.

The brightest and most vibrant shade of red hair spilled down her figure which was on display by her low-cut short dress. She was tall and slender with flawless fair skin and a dazzlingly white smile. Her eyes were bright blue with long dark lashes.

Kioshi had gone statue still, his eyes wide in shock as he stared at her.

Amy he had said she was.

My eyes widened a little as I realized where I'd heard that name before. She was Amy as in his ex girlfriend Amy, the girl that had somehow put him off dating altogether.

I looked between the two of them, unsure of what to do.

Kioshi finally spoke, his voice low, "What the fuck are you doing here Amy?"

Her dazzling smile widened, "Oh so you remember me then?"

I noticed his fists clenching and unclenching at his side, his chest rising and falling heavily.

His eyes narrowed at her, "You expect me to forget you after what you did?"

She laughed softly, "Don't pretend your all innocent Kioshi."

He stiffened at that, an emotion I couldn't place flickering across his face for a mere second before vanishing.

"Anyways," She turned to me, "Who's this Kioshi? Is this your new girlfriend?"

I opened my mouth to say no.

Kioshi got there before me, "Yes. She is."

I blinked at him. After what he had said before, I didn't think he would be so eager to utter those words.

Amy's eyes were on his again, "Isn't that nice? You had me believe I had done permeant damage."

I decided there and then that I didn't like her. I really didn't like her.

Kioshi narrowed his eyes, "Why the fuck are you here Amy?"

"To see you off course," She stepped closer and closer to him until they were inches away, "You know Kioshi..." She brought up a hand and cupped his cheek.

He flinched at her touch but didn't step away.

"We never properly broke up so technically..." Her index finger traced his ridgid jaw and down the column of his neck, "We're still together."

She was touching him.

I don't know what made me do it, but I found myself stepping towards them, "Get the hell away from my boyfriend."

She turned to me as if only just remembering I was there, "Oh you can't be serious Kioshi," She lay a hand flat on his chest, right above his heart as she threw me a dirty look, "You can't tell me she's the best you could do."

I snatched her hand from him, pushing her back and stepping between the two of them, "Your pathetic, go find someone else to fuck with."

Amy frowned, "Don't worry, you can keep him, he's alway been second to me anyway."

That was a clear dig at him. She flashed a smirk before turning and winding her way back through the crowd. I turned to Kioshi but he was still watching after her, his eyes ablaze with a cold fury I'd never seen before.

I sighed, "Now I guess we're even."

A chill ran down my spine as his cold gaze slid to me. I swallowed the lump in my throat as he said nothing, just continuing to glare at me as if somehow the fact that his ex girlfriend was here was my fault.

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