Chapter 3

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———— I V A N N A  ————


I woke up at two in the morning, jolted out of my dreams by my ringtone.

"Fuck," I groaned, rubbing my blurry eyes, "Who the fuck Is calling me?"

I grabbed my phone off the bedside table, squinting at the brightness before poking the accept button, "Hello?"

Chloe, my roommate answered, "Vanna? Are you awake?"

I groaned again as I stretched, "Chloe? What the fuck? Why are you calling me at this time? And where the fuck are you? It's literally-"

"Vanna I think I'm in love."


"I think-"

"I heard you the first time idiot! Why the fuck are you calling me at two in the morning?" I practically screamed at her.

She giggled as if I had just told some funny joke, "You'll never guess who I just had the most amazing sex with!"

"Chloe I love you but I really don't give a shit about your sex life. You know how hard it is for me to sleep so why the fuck-"

"I think he likes me! He definitely likes me!" Her dreamy tone pissed me off even more.

Chloe and I had been friends since Freshman year when we found out we were sharing a dorm. We were complete opposites, she was sociable and loved partying whilst I would rather stay at home binge-watching the walking dead. Nothing much had changed since then. We somehow made it work and became the best of friends. Until moments like this one.

"What the fuck do you want?" My agitation was growing more and more with each passing second I resisted throwing my phone across the room.

"Oh yeah I forgot, I need you to come pick me up."

"What? Why?"

She laughed, "I'm off campus and I have no way home."

My patience was seriously hanging by a thread. Chloe did not get to wake me up in the middle of the night when she knew I had trouble sleeping. "Why the hell can't you just call an cab?"

She giggled again, "My phone is on 1% so I don't have time to call a cab, can't you just pick me up?"

I slid out of bed, groping around to try find my clothes in the dark, "I don't have a car Chloe!"

"Oh," She laughed, "I'll text you the address."

"What? Didn't you hear me say-"

A message came through, "There, you have his address now."

"Who's address?"

Then she hung up. Either that or her phone decided to die at that moment. I stared at the message in disbelief. Was this girl serious?

I swiped off and called Shaya who answered on the second ring. "Look Vanna, I love you to bits but why are you calling me at two a.m?"

I explained to her the situation as quickly as I could whilst shoving on whatever clothes I could find lying about. "...So I'm gonna need to borrow your car for a little and I'm so sorry that-"

"It's fine as long as you don't ever call me this late unless it's an absolute emergency, ok?"

I slipped on my trainers and slammed my dorm door shut behind me, "Thank you so much, I'm really sorry."

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