Chapter 10

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———— I V A N N A ————


My whole body hurt as I woke up, squinting my eyes at the bright sunlight. Yawning and stretching as I sat up, it took me all of about ten seconds to realize I was not in my dorm.

But it was a room I recognized. Kioshi's.

My eyes widened as I looked around frantically. Why was I in his room? How had I gotten there?

I then realized that I wasn't alone in the room. Slumped at the side of the bed, leaning back with his eyes shut and head titled back, Kioshi slept a mere foot away from me.

Shit. What the hell had I done?

As if he sensed me, he began to stir, blinking his eyes open before his gaze met mine. Slowly, he got up, never once breaking eye contact with me on the way, until he stood towering over the bed I was in. His bed.

"Fuck," he groaned, rubbing at his neck, "Your awake."

I quickly darted out and on the opposite side of the bed from him, my hand grabbing blindly at his desk for something, anything, I could use to defend myself against him.

I fisted a pair of scissors and held it out Infront of me, "What the hell Kioshi? Why am I in your room?"

My head began to pound harder, as if someone was using it like a drum. There was no way... He couldn't have... Wouldn't have...

"What the hell?" He held his hands up, "I would never-"

"Tell me what happened!" I yelled, raising the scissors in my shaky hands.

"Fuck, I will! Just put the-" He edged closer, reaching for me.

I stumbled back into his desk, "Stay the fuck away!"

"Shit," He cursed, retreating back, "I didn't mean to-"

"Just tell me what happened!" I looked down at the unfamiliar clothes I was in. A large black shirt that reached my knees and only my panties underneath. "And why the hell am I in your clothes?"

"Fuck Bambi," he ran a hand over his face, "It's not what you-"

"You keep saying that," I hissed, "And yet how the hell did I get into your clothes?"

"Shit, ok. I changed you."

"You touched me?"

"I had to," He sighed , "You vomited all down your dress-"

I stepped towards him, fully preparing myself to plunge the scissors into his eye sockets, "How did I get in your room in the first place?"

"You were drunk, ok? You were really drunk and-"

"And you took your chance huh?" My legs felt unsteady, like I was about to topple at any moment. I felt as if I were about to vomit all over his carpet.

"What the fuck?" He backed away looking annoyed, as I advanced on him, "Just let me explain. That guy... your ex, he was trying to-"

I didn't hear the rest of what he said. My mind was just focused on the fact that Adam had been there. I couldn't remember much, all I remembered was dancing and feeling... happy. And then a guy in a ghost-face mask. Who was that guy? Try as I might, I couldn't recall seeing his face, and that was all I remember from the night before.

I dropped the scissors to the floor, suddenly feeling so stupid. Adam had been there. Had I said something to him? Had he done something to me?

"Bambi," Kioshi nudged my chin up slightly until I was looking him in the eye,"He didn't do anything ok? You fell asleep on my shoulder and I carried you back here. That's all that happened."

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