Chapter 27

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———— K I O S H I ————


I shut the boot after loading everything up in the back and rolled my eyes as I turned to find my mother still clinging onto Ivanna for dear life.

According to my phone, we were already an hour late to leaving but my mother had suddenly grown attachment issues to my girlfriend. She hadn't even given her own son a hug and yet was practically weeping and near hysterical over Ivanna.

I made to switch my phone off and tuck it back into my pocket when I noticed a strange message notification from Instagram.

The user was one I didn't recognize but the little of the sentance I could see made me pause.

"Ivanna has been lying..."

I frowned but clicked onto it nonetheless. I quickly read over the full message and paused.

"Ivana has been lying to you from the start. Whatever the hell she's told you is a lie. It's Adam, her real boyfriend. We need to settle this shit in person.'

I couldn't help the satisfied smile that spread across my lips as I re-read the sentence. Maybe it was some fucking Christmas miracle that he'd reached out so soon, because I'd been waiting.

After what Ivanna had told me last night, I'd been waiting for her piece of shit ex to dare reach out. And sure, maybe I'd underestimated him a little, his whole 'I know something you don't' approach was a little more creative than I'd expected but I wasn't complaining.

I typed out a quick response, biting my lip to hide my grin just as Ivanna began to head over.

"Hey," She reached up on her toes and pressed a small kiss to my lips.

I soaked in the brief sensation, itching to kiss her fully despite my mother being in eyeshot.

"I've got everything loaded up." I nodded to the boot, "You ready to go?"

"No," She sighed, "This is most fun I've ever had, I'm hardly excited to going back to studying or my dorm."

"Well," I pulled the passenger door open for her, "My place is always available."

"Yeah well I don't think I'd get much studying done, you have a... large appetite."

I rounded the car and got in, "I have absolutely no idea what your talking about."

She glared at me, "How many time have we had sex since we arrived?"

I shrugged, "That depends on if your counting the car ride."

"Asshole," She rolled her eyes.

"We should try that next."

Her head snapped to me, "What?"

"I said we should get going." I ignored the way she was glaring daggers at me as I started up the car.

About an hour and one quick make out session that turned steamy on the side of the road, Ivanna seemed distant as she looked out of the window.

I glanced at her, "You ok? Yeah if your upset about that being so hurried," I grinned to myself, "We can carry on when we get—"

"Our month is long over you know."

She continued staring out of her window as if purposely to avoid looking at me.

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