Chapter 35

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———— K I O S H I ————


"If your late next week you're off the team," Coach snapped, glaring pointedly at me, "No showing up drunk either."

I groaned as everyone on the team laughed, some of them coming over to clap me on the back as we filed out.

"There was absolutely no need for that," I grumbled to Naveen and Zeke as we left, "That asshole knows he can't kick me off so he's always making digs at me."

Zeke raised his brows, "He's got a point though, you've not got the best record." Naveen voiced his agreement.

I rolled my eyes, "You guys are supposed to be on my side."

"Whatever man, how are you getting to the hotel next week? Me and Naveen are driving down, are you joining?"

I shook my head and smiled, "Nah, I'm going with Ivanna."

I pulled out my phone and found at least 10 missed calls from her and smiled. Did she really miss me that much?

Zeke rolled his eyes, "I should have known."

Naveen groaned, "I can't believe you're selling us out for girl."

"Well," I shrugged, "You better believe it. I'll see you guys later."

I ignored their grumbles and protests and headed to my car, calling Ivanna who picked up on the first ring, "Hey, I've just finished practice and saw your missed calls is there—"

"My parents called. They want to meet me."

I stopped in my tracks, thinking maybe I heard wrong. "What?"

"Please come with me," I heard her voice tremble, "I need you."

I didn't hesitate to answer, "Where are you?"

"At my dorm."

I opened my boot and shoved my gym bag inside before slamming it shut and heading to the drivers side, "I'll be there in 5."

I ended the call and turned on the engine, my gut sinking with anxiety. Oh fuck, the people that had treated Ivanna so horribly as a child and turned her away where she needed them the most were suddenly asking her to meet? I drove a little faster, hating how she was probably suffering alone. God, I should have skipped practice and stayed with her.

I pulled up outside and got out of the car, hurrying up the stairs to her dorm and knocking. The moment she opened the door, I wrapped her in my arms and hugged her tightly.

"Sorry I missed your calls," I pulled back and studied her face, "Are you ok?"

She nodded but I could tell from the shake in her voice that she was putting on a brave face, "I'll be fine. I'm sorry for springing this up on you."

"Don't be," I pressed a kiss to her forehead, "Obviously I'll come with you, you didn't even need to ask."

"Thank you," She whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too," I smiled, "Now let's get going so we don't get back too late."

She nodded and I took her hand, leading her down the stairs and outside to the car. Once we were inside and I got the car on the road, I glanced over to find her nervously checking her phone.

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