Chapter 24

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———— I V A N N A ————


Monday morning and I'd been sat there for at least an hour, staring at my empty suitcase and blinking back tears.

Oh god, everything was wrong, so wrong. Amy knew. She knew everything and she was going to tell Kioshi.

How the hell was I going to face him? Even worse, meet his parents?

Sighing, I dried my eyes and made my way over to the kitchen, pulling out a large container of cookie dough ice cream. If I was going to wallow in my misery, I might as well do it with ice cream. Sitting back on my bed, I shovelled a spoonful in my mouth and looked around at the clothes strewn around the room. My wardrobe door hung open and was pretty much bare inside. It looked like a fucking crime scene and I still hadn't figured out what to pack. What kind of clothes would make a good impression? Ok sure, I wasn't his actual girlfriend but-

I wasn't his actual girlfriend.

That thought struck my mind, making me pause for half a second as I mulled it over.

There was a loud knock on my dorm door, disrupting my thoughts before I could really think it through. I picked up my ice cream and walked over, shovelling in another spoonful before reaching out and swinging open the door.

"Hey," Kioshi smiled, "Are you ready to-"

I slammed the door shut.

Shit. I'd completely forgotten he was supposed to pick me up.

I dashed to the bathroom, My eyes widened as I took in my reflection. I hadn't slept properly at all so my eyes looked all swollen and puffy, my usual dark circles looking even darker and my hair was messy since I hadn't yet brushed it from the shower.

"Shit," I hissed, grabbing the brush.

I didn't know why I suddenly cared about how I looked to Kioshi, but I dashed around, brushing my hair and trying to splash water on my face to look more alive and less like a half dead zombie. I swapped my boy shorts for leggings and Kioshi's shirt I was wearing (it was comfortable, that's all- it just happened to be his) to a tank top that looked casual enough. I shoved a handful of clothes at random into my suitcase until it was full to the brim, and kicked the rest lying around back into the wardrobe.

I gave my room and myself a quick once over before heading back to the door, ice cream back in hand so I looked like I'd been casually lounging before he'd came.

"Hey." I tried to calm my frantic breathing and sound casual as I swung the door open once again.

"What was that about?" Kioshi smirked as he leant against the frame, looking good as hell in a black wife beater and dark blue denim jeans that hung low on his waist. The sheer material of the tank hugged his chest, accentuating his chisled torso in a way that had my cheeks warming a little.

I cleared my throat and forced my eyes up to his, "What was what about?"

"You slammed the door in my face."

My cheeks flushed, "I didn't."

"You did."

I shook my head, popping a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth to stifle my smile.

He raised a brow, "Are you trying to gaslight me Ivanna?"

I shook my head again.

Kioshi sighed, "Yeah whatever. You slammed the door in my face and next thing, your dressed differently," His eyes lit up with a mischievous glint, "Did you change just for me Bambi?"

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