Bonus chapter 1: Horror movie

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———— K I O S H I ————


Fuck, who told me it was a good idea to sign up to coach little kids over summer break??

I opened the front door to my house and almost collapsed inside. My feet were aching and I had bruises all over me from being hit by basketballs left right and centre.

Weirdly, the lights were all off and the house was eerily dark. The only source of light was coming from the TV screen in the lounge.

I frowned and walked over, not exactly expecting to see Ivanna sandwitched between my mom and sister as they all clutched onto a blanket with their eyes glued to the TV screen.

Ominous music was playing as the character on the screen slowly turned around, eyes wide open in horror at whatever was standing behind her. The scene then cut, the TV going black.

All you could see on the dark screen was the reflection of my silhouette framed by the little light behind me standing over the couch.

Three shrill screams pierced the air and I stumbled back as something Ivanna shaped pounced on top of me.

"What the-" arms wrapped around my throat, cutting my exclaim short as well as my breath.

"Get it! Get it! Get it!"

I yelled as a pillow slammed across my face and sent me stumbling back and crashing to the floor. Attacks hit me from every angle; feet kicking at me, pillows hurtling and all I could do was scream and put my arms up in useless defense.

"Hit it harder! Quick! Break it's legs!"

Left right and centre the barrage of attacks didn't let up.

"What the hell is going on here?"

The lights came on and the attacks stopped. Cautiously, I removed my hands from my face. Ivanna, my mom and Yoshiko were looking towards the door where my dad stood with a horrified look on his face.

"It came to attack us but we've defeated it!" Yoshiko breathlessly panted.

"It?" My dad's face screwed up in concern, "You mean Kioshi?"

The three heads snapped to me and they all gasped, stepping back in horror.

"Oh shit!" Ivanna dropped the pillow, "Is that you babe?"

"Yes the fuck it's me!" I yelled, "What the hell guys?"

I tried to sit up and winced at the sharp pain that jolted down my arm. God, I could feel the new bruises forming already from their vicious attack.

"We thought you were it." My mother at least had the decency to hang her head in shame.

Yoshiko on the other hand, the little brat puffed up her chest, "Well next time don't walk in when we're watching a horror movie."

I groaned, "Mom you hate horror movies anyway! Who the hell suggested that brilliant idea?"

The two of them looked at Ivanna who smiled sheepishly and shrugged, "I thought It would be fun?"

"Fun?" I groaned batting away the hand she offered, "I hope you found beating the crap out of your boyfriend fun."

I tried and failed to get up so I gave in and accepted her help, grumbling as I did so to make it clear I hadn't forgiven her.

The moment I was up I limped away and glared at her, "I can't fucking believe you."

She offered an apologetic smile, "I love you so-"

"You're sleeping outside tonight."

With that I strode away, ignoring her and my mother's protests and yoshiko's snide giggling.

I groaned as I sank further into the warm bath, my joints singing in relief. Everywhere ached like hell and my eyes were dropping from exhaustion.

It had been a long day. First chasing around little brats trying to teach them ball control which quickly turned into a game of dodgeball. Then being attacked by my own mother, sister and girlfriend.

Fuck, even my bruises had bruises.
There was a knock on the bathroom door, "Kioshi?"

"Ivanna I thought I made it clear where you're sleeping tonight?"

"Come on Kioshi," She whined, "I didn't mean it."

"Wow," I scoffed, "Sure way to apologise."

"Can you please just open the door?"

I sighed loudly to make my displeasure known but I slowly lifted myself up from the bath anyway, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my middle before unlocking the door and pulling it open.

Ivanna stood in my bedroom looking even more gorgeous than usual with her hair done up in a cute style and cute kind of 80's gym style outfit on.

I tried to frown but it was impossible to stay mad at her when she looked so good so I turned my face away, "What are you all dressed up for?"

"Yoshiko wants to go to the roller rink dressed up," She laughed, "Why, you don't like my outfit?"

I glanced over and she did a quick twirl. She wore a colourful pleated miniskirt and a crop top with those old fashioned sweat bands around her wrists and head. Goddam it she looked good as fuck. Ivanna looked good in everything which was so annoying because even though I was trying so desperately to ignore it, my little friend downstairs decided it was the perfect time to say hello.

I saw her notice immediately and I shifted the towel and averted my gaze again, "You look... fine."

"Fine?" She giggled, "Is that it?"

"It is."

"I think I look more than fine Kioshi," She stepped closer as she lowered her voice to that sexy tone that never failed to drive me crazy, "Why are you wearing a towel anyway? It's not like you have anything to hide."

"Don't try that," I turned my back to her and clutched the towel tight, "I'm still mad at you."

I could feel her heat on my back and I clenched the towel in my fist to fight the urge to just give in. Fuck, she knew exactly how to get to me every dam time.

I stiffened as her hands slid down my neck and she ran her fingers all the way down my spine before circling my waist.

"Ivanna," I tried to keep my voice even, "Stop playing with me, this won't end well."

"Who said I'm playing?" Her fingers played at the band of the towel, "You know, there's plenty of time left until we leave."

I squeezed my eyes shut, cursing under my breath. I wasn't going to last and I knew she could tell too.

"Oh fuck this shit."

I spun around and scooped her up in my arms, cutting short her yelp of surprise by pressing my lips to hers as I carried her over to my bed.

"Kioshi," She pulled away, "I didn't mean,"

I cut her off with a deep kiss before lying her down in the bed and quickly climbing on top of her, "I warned you this wouldn't end well. It's time to finish what you started."


Yes guys I'm releasing a bonus chapter to make up for the fact that I haven't released a new book....... And what about it??

LOOOL I've loved reading all your funny comments and for all those asking for a new book I'm working on an idea!! Just gimme some time to get over this writing slump.

Anyways love you all!!

- hanaverse xoxo -

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