Chapter 1

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———— K I O S H I ————


When your walking down the halls purposely delaying attending a lecture, the last thing you expect is to be kissed.

At least, that was the last thing I was expecting.

Now believe me, as one of Yale's best athletes, I was no stranger to desperate girls. But even a 'womanising asshole' like me deserved the right to walk down the halls without fearing a random girl pouncing on me.

The kiss was so sudden. One moment a small figure ran into me, then a breathless "Can I kiss you?' and before I could even answer, the softest lips I'd ever felt slammed hard into mine.

It took me a moment to adjust -obviously- but I almost automatically sprang into action, wrapping my arms around whoever the hell she was and drawing her close to my chest as I had done so many times before in less hurried situations.

It was just second nature at that point. Natural instinct, whatever you want to call it.

Despite the initial shock, it was a good kiss and I found I didn't mind it, I almost enjoyed it.

I moved my mouth curiously over her soft lips, savouring the feel of them against mine. I didn't know what the fuck was going on, who she was and why she was kissing me, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was how good she tasted.

It was one of those rare kisses, the ones that made you hard even though sex had been the last thing on your mind moments before. It was one of those kisses that made you want to travel back in time and worship at the feet of the person who invented kissing. And as someone who indulged in the art of kissing more often that I could count, I could safely place it amongst my top kisses of all time.

I found myself holding back a groan of frustration as the kiss ended with her pulling away sharply.
She stepped back, mouth partly open, chest rising and falling quickly as her eyes travelled to my face.

Silence. Complete and utter silence.

The look of panic as her eyes widened was almost amusing.
I don't know how long the silence lasted. Maybe hours, maybe days, maybe seconds. Every dam millisecond that passed had me wishing I had kept my lips on hers.

I got my first good look at her since she had ran into me.
The height difference was noticeable. She was small compared to me. Really dam small. The top of her head didn't even begin to brush my shoulders.
Apart from that, the most noticeable were her eyes. Her large, round doe eyes, a bright grey in colour, that peered up at me through thick dark lashes.

Dark circles that told me she hadn't had much sleep shadowed her eyes, paired with the small wing of eyeliner she wore. Her hair was slightly messy and that just added to her haunted and mystical appearance.

And honestly, I'd never seen anyone hotter.

Fuck she was hot, how the hell had I never seen her before? Not to mention she had an impressive rack. Her tits were practically pouring out of her thin black v-neck jumper, a tempting sight I tried not to focus on for too long.

"I have to say," I began, forcing my eyes away from those brilliant tits of hers, "I've never encountered a girl so desperate to kiss me."

She narrowed her eyes at me, all traces of panic gone and a look of disgust plastered on her face, "You fucking wish Harada."

Almost as if the idea of her wanting me disgusted her. It was funny. I normally got the opposite reaction with almost every single girl I came across. I would have asked how she knew my name but that would have been stupid, every chick in Yale knew my name.

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