Chapter 34

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———— I V A N N A ————


I checked the clock on the wall and sipped my drink, tapping my foot under the table impatiently. We'd scheduled to meet and Amy was nowhere to be seen.

I sighed to myself. I mean, what had I expected?

I was prepared to give up and was preparing to leave when I saw her walk through the doors, looking around with a smug smile on her face until she spotted me. I sat back down, forcing my face to remain neutral as she headed over towards me. My hands curled into fists on my lap at the sight of her face and I'd honestly never wanted to hit someone so bad.

"Well look who it is," She smirked, sliding into the seat opposite me, "Are you here to cry to me about what happened? Let's make this quick, just get over it, it was ages ago anyway."

I forced a smile on my face, "It's nice to get the chance to speak to you."

Any scoffed and rolled her eyes, "If this is about Kioshi then just give up, he was just using you to get over me."

"Is that really what you think?"

"It's what I know. He told me himself."

I raised my brows and feigned surprise, "Really? He told you that himself? When was this?"

She crossed her arms and looked mighty pleased with herself, "Last night."

Ok, that was news to me. I leaned in closer, "You were with Kioshi last night?"

Amy smiled smugly, "And the night before. And the one before that. It didn't take much to have him crawling back to me."

"Tell me more."

Wow, it was almost funny how pleased with herself she looked as she genuinely thought I was eating up her bullshit. I knew because obviously I'd been with Kioshi all night and he'd never once left my sight. If her claims were true, it must have meant he had some sort of clone and that idea in itself was laughable.

She laughed, "He was never into you honey, I'm so sorry he dragged you into his mess. I'm sure he didn't mean to break your heart like that." Her face took on a sincere look which I knew was fake, "I just want you to thank you for keeping him... entertained whilst I've been away."

I fought the urge to not laugh at her pathetic attempt to fool me once again. Was she really that desperate to claim a guy she treated so badly?

I sighed and sat back, "You know what I think Amy?"

She raised her brows, that stupid smug look still on her face.

"I think you're a liar."

Amy narrowed her eyes and shifted in her seat, obviously not expecting to be called out like that.

I stuck a sweet smile on my face and carried on, "I think you're a pathetic, desperate bitch trying to play home wrecker because you're pissed that Kioshi didn't come crawling back to you. And your stunt at the New Year's party? Just as fucking pathetic."

I could see her brain whirring for some way to regain control of the conversation, "What stunt? I don't know what your talking—"

"You know dam well what I'm talking about."

She rolled her eyes, "You're just in denial that he doesn't want you."

"You're just in denial that he's over you," I snapped, "Did you really have to stoop so low as to drug and sexually assault him?"

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