Love is all she know

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Panchali was finding it hard to go to her husbands chamber

P:- Why do people build such big big buildings? it's too difficult to find their room, if we keep a hot  tea  and try to reach it at the top we will need a horse for sure and the tea it will become ice cold

Goldiee:- Hey bidu come I have found the way

All Pandavas were busy in their work..

They was sitting filling some papers, if it wasn't important then they would have torn it into fine pieces and burn it into ashes

Panchali:- May I come in Aarya?

Y:- you don't have to ask for permission dear, come innn

He felt her coming near he indicated her to sit beside him and she did and kept her head in his shoulders, his smile widened he kept his head above her head, the rest of the Pandavas joined them, but we're extremely busy in their work

P:- Aarya I want to ask you something, promise u will permit me

S:- Jyesth why is this sounding so dangerous????

N:- May be because trouble welcomer us asking that

A:- Will you both let her finish?? please

Y:- And what made you think we will permit you?

P:- Because Aarya Arjun here is going so i will also go with him

N:- Then who are we Ghost to you??

S:- Dear we also can't live without you not only your aarya Arjun

P:- Please I really want to meet Govind and rajkumari subhadra please please please I promise i will not go away from Aarya Arjun's sight promiseeeeee

Y:- Dear understand

B:- No means Noooo

A:- You...

Panchali was upset so she stood up and went away from them, they sighed this girl really expected them to let her go even though Arjun was there but what if something happens when Arjun is not around? Who will look after her?

After exactly 10 minutes


It was a women's voice, her voice was so motherly hood that they jumped out of fear


Kunti:- Panchali will go to Dwarka understood???

B:- But mata it can be.....

K:- Why are you all afraid Arjun is there to take care of her right??

A:- But mata i will be going with Govind for some days away from Dwarka

Just then Panchali arrived with a mischievous smile, pandavas glared at her, making her gulp she know she is going to be in a big problem

K:- So what Balram Dau is there na to take care of her???

Y:- Mata we can't keep her away for even one minute you know that right?

N:- Mata

K:- Enough is enough, she will go

Pandavas:- Ok mata fineeeeee!!!!!!

Kunti smiled, she was about to leave

Panchali:- Mata i am also coming with you

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