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Panchali's P.O.V

I say down crying! Don't know what to do, until Duryodhan said "Mata please don't ask for forgiveness from this wh*re, all these type of women are only good for cursing and those curse's never come true"
I had enough of it, I stood up
"Duryodhan will get what he deserves from God and destiny but before that I curse this sabha who kept quiet even after knowing that everything happening here is wrong that they will suffer, suffer very badly" I said this and was about to leave the sabha but then again I was not done I turned around looking at Maharani Gandhari and Maharaj dritirashtr saying "count on me Maharani Dusshala will be the last girl to be ever born in Kuru lineage after this exact moment there will be no girl child in this Kuru dynasty which means LAKSHMI WILL NEVER BE BORN IN THE KURU DYNASTY AND THIS IS A CURSE CURSE FROM THE FIRE BORN PANCHALI" Now I was done, I walked out from the sabha furiously.
Author's P.O.V

Once Panchali left the court Duryodhan and his brothers started laughing when a furious Bheeshm asked "why are you laughing gandhari pitra? What great job have you done? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA THAT YOU BROUGHT DESTRUCTION TO THE KURU DYNASTY?"

to which Duryodhan arrogantly replied "Pitamah I do not believe in curse especially curse of a women it's might be only you old people who believe in it" and laughed

Radha who was watching all this came forward and said " A women who's heart is broken, and is crying with millions of pain hidden behind and her soft words which hides much of her pain, sadness and hurt, her anger words never go wrong rajkumar Duryodhan, laugh all you want cause I am pretty sure that your death is waiting for you and the person who will kill might be looking for the right time and I think it's the right time"

Saying that she left the court.

Panchali was walking down the stairs of Hastinapur. She couldn't walk properly her legs were tired, her eyes were feeling heavy after crying too much, and her head was paining in short her whole body was paining. She was thinking about the humiliation caused to her by her own oh so called 'in-laws'. She was heartbroken, devasted, and ruined. She cursed herself for being beautiful. Just then Radha arrived.

R:- Rajkumari come with me, please.

P:- NO RADHA, if I come with you, you and your family will suffer. Ever since I entered your lives all you got is tears and sorrow. Let it be.

Panchali walked in another direction which led to she doesn't know where.


Panchali stopped and turned, Radha smiled when she nodded her head.

Arjun's P.O.V

Where is she? We searched her friend Radha's house but...
Suddenly we saw Radha running at lightning speed but stopped in her tracks when she noticed us. Of course, she couldn't recognize us but did not wait to ask us who we were. She directly went inside and brought water, fresh clothes, and flower jewellery. We did not understand a single thing why was she so tense?
We followed her gaze and it landed on Panchali, My panchali, our panchali. My eyes and heart broke and shattered into millions of pieces, I looked at my brother's and mata who were equally pained and shocked to see her condition! It was the worst her saree was torn, her eyes were red, her cheeks were dry and most of all her hair was a complete mess. This isn't what we expected! I felt a sudden erge to run towards her and hug her never leaving her ever but then her eyes slowly started to close, slowly and steadily and she fainted but when I am alive she won't fall to the floor, I rushed and held her with her thin waist. I missed her touch. I looked at her half open eyes, she was breathing heavily she said in a stammering voice ""
She couldn't complete her sentence but fainted. I took her to a nearby couch and laid her there, when Radha asked
"Rajkumar is that you?" We nodded our head, she smiled but then again looking at Panchali she stopped smiling when bratha bheen asked "what happened to her?" He asked calmly no reply came from her so he again asked calmly and still she was quiet like she doesn't want us to know about it. So, Bratha Bheem shouted "WHAT THE HECK HAS HAPPENED TO HER?"
She got scare but then said everything without even stopping.
My blood was boiling, I looked at the others, we removed our fake beard and hair and mata removed her veil. We were too angry.
I felt my body temperature going up, my heart was not ready to accept that my Panchali whom we wanted to protect from every evil in the world was humiliated in such an inhuman way. I will kill that angraj who gave such an idiotic order. What the heck does he think about himself? He was too proud of his power. Till now I kept quiet thinking that he will understand sometime that power does not matter but the power of one's heart matters. Today he crossed all the limits.

Bheem's P.O.V

Our panchali was humiliated in this way? Is this hous they are supposed to take revenge? By trying to strip off her clothes? I will kill that Dushassan and Duryodhan. They will die in such a inhuman way no one has ever seen. I will drag that Dushassan just the same way how he dragged my Panchali to that court. My heart burned for revenge! This was between us! But they did a very big mistake by dragging Panchali into this. I won't leave them "I WILL KILL THOSE 100 BROTHERS"

Nakul's P.O.V

My Panchali she went through such a big pain and we were not even there to protect her. What kind of husbands are we? Are we even supposed to call husband's? I looked at her chudamani, which brought tears to my eyes, we couldn't see her in this state. I promise, I promise to kill those who did this to my Panchali. "I WILL KILL THEM"

Sahdev's P.O.V

I won't leave them. They did this to my, our panchali. How the heck are the supposed to expect us to forgive them. I will take revenge on them but before that I will kill that Gandhar raj. I know he is ue mastermind behind this. "I WILL KILL THAT GANDHAR RAJ."

Yudhishthir's P.O.V

My heart was not ready to accept this that my own family can do such a thing. Angraj karn was also there. Why did you let this happen Pitamah? Why guru dron? Why kakashree? Why? I don't know how am I supposed to be calm but looking at my lady love I couldn't control my anger anymore "I WON'T LEAVE THEM"

Kunti's P.O.V

Jiji Gandhari, why did you let this happen. I did not expect this from you. I did not. My putr karn, wiat why am I saying that he is my son? No he can't be my son, my son will never give such a disastrous oder. Pitamah, brathasree vidur why?
Just then I heard my putras saying all together
Today even Yudhishthir is angry,I have never seen him this angry. How am I supposed to stop them even when I myself is angry. I will roast that Maharaj of Hastinapur.
They stormed out of here angrily, followed by me.
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                         - To be continued

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