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Panchali smiled at Vrushali as they both sat to cook lunch. Nakul and Sahdev entered along with Bheem they had returned a few days ago but there was no sign of Arjun and Karn.
Bheem said "wowwww the food is looking yummy!" And Nakul joked "Panchali Bhratha Bheem's stomach is full alredy so no need to give him food!" Bheem pressed Nakul's head in between his hand and chest sharply and said "You now a days are teasing me alot!" And Sahdev said "yes Bhratha Punish him!" And Nakul gave him a betrayed look while Panchali and Vrushali laughed at the three Nakul said "yeah right! I am the stranger!"

Yudhisthir entered into the hut and asked Bheem to let Nakul go and they all sat to have lunch.

At evening:-

Nakul was Standing outside the hut holding his sword for protection as Sahdev and Bheem has went to collect the items required for their Incognito and Yudhishthir had gone to Sandhya Puja.

Panchali came outside and Nakul looked at her, he went towards her and pulled her by her waist making her blush, he kissed the tip of her nose and then her cheeks and then her neck making her moan but all of their pleasure was ruined when they heard Yudhisthir screaming for help! They got scared and Vrushali came out of the house hearing this "it's the voice of Aarya Yudhishthir's, Aarya Nakul please go and have a look!" Said a worried Panchali, Nakul looked at her and said "no Panchali I can't leave you and Bhabhi alone!" Vrushali said "That's not important now Nakul! Good and save Yudhisthir, it's my order!" Nakul now couldn't do anything he had to follow his Bhabhi's order and hence he ran towards Yudhisthir.

Panchali and Vrushali were about to return back to the house when they heard someone laugh! Shivers ran down Panchali's spine as she recognised the voice it was of Jayadrath's, as they turned around to find him with ropes in his hands and a person along with him.

They tried to run but he successfully captured both of them in the rope while Panchali screamed "AARRYAA!" Bheem and Sahdev droped the things they had collected and ran towards the home by the time they were there Yudhisthir and Nakul had also arrived and they started running behind the chariot and soon they lost the track!
Jayadrath pulled Panchali towards him by her waist and started kissing her neck!

Panchali slapped him hard, enraged Jayadrath held Panchali's hairs and pulled her closer and said "you! I think you forgot your place. Should I teach you how to respect your master? You mannerless woman?" And he pulled her closer while Vrushali struggled with the ropes and the man who had a dagger attached to her neck.


Karn and Arjun were returning from their penance while they heard Panchali scream in terror and Vrushali calling out for help. Their hearts tudded in their chest as all the possibilities ran into their mind. They pulled the horse towards the direction of the noise and stood between Jayadrath and Duryodhan's army. Jayadrath looked at the men infront of him terror zapping through his body. Arjun looked at Panchali and Karn looked at Vrushali this wasn't how they expected to return to their loves, hearing them scream nearly has their hearts our of their chests. Karn pulled the string of his bow while Jayadrath pulled Vrushali and Panchali infront of him as a shield. Kern aimed for Jayadrath's chest but immediately took it down and shooted his arrow towards the sand as the dust particles flew in air covering everything on the view.


Vrushali and Panchali pulled away from Jayadrath and his man and ran towards Karn and Arjun who pulled their loves towards themselves as they wept. Jayadrath turned to run but was stopped by the other pandavas.

Karn kissed Vrushali's forehead and checked her body for any kind of injuries and Arjun was whispering sweet words towards Panchali's ears trying to calm her down. Jayadrath said "Look I really didn't mean to. I didn't wanted to do this it just happened!" Yudhisthir replied angry "then we also really didn't mean to do what we are about to do, it's just happening" and Nakul said "we have really really tried to teach you how to not touch a woman who isn't yours!" And Sahdev said "but yet you didn't understand! Now suffer!"

Bheem went towards him and stared punching his face. Arjun and Karn said to Panchali and Vrushali to go back inside the cave that they had arranged for incognito mode and they left. Soon the atmosphere filled with Jayadrath's and his man's screams and cried for help....


After 11 months

Arjun groned as he adjusted his lehenga after a tiring dance session with Uttara while the queen praised him. He looked at Panchali who stood behind the queen combing her hair smiling, his heart hurted seeing her just being a mare maid.
Everyone left the room except for Arjun and Karn. Karn (Radheya) was a minister just like Yudhisthir (Kank) and Vrushali (vaishnavi) was queen's handmaid just like Panchali. Arjun who was in eunch's form Brihanala was dance teacher of Uttara. Bheem (Vallab) was a wrestler and a cook, Nakul (Granthik) and Sahdev (Tantripal) were looking after cows and horses all of them chose Matsya kingdom for their Incognito and everything was going perfect expect for the fact of Keechak, he was always behind Sairandhri (Panchali) and this angered the Pandavas.


Keechak smirked looking down at his hands which contained a letter, letter from Hastinapur, a letter that would bring Sairandhri A.K.A Panchali to his bed. He knew the truth about Radheya, Kank, Vallab, Brihanala, Granthik, Tantripal and Vaishnavi!

No one not even a single one had the guts to reject him and this girl Sairandhri had the guts to reject him. She said that she had the protection of 5 Gandharvas who wouldn't hesitate to snap his head off his body if he even dared to look at her with wrong eyes. But did he cared? No! He wanted to conquer Panchali even if that is the last thing he does as he looked at Sairandhri talking with other dasis....


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