Unknown Enemy!

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Vrushali's P.O.V

I blinked my eyes open just to find darkness wrapped around me! I tried walking just to get hit by the wall I turned when all of a sudden light rays found its path towards me! I looked around to find Rajmata Kunti?? And Rajkumari Panchali??? What the heck?? What's happening here?! I turned to look at a man, he himself was an epitome of darkness, I felt like vomiting looking at this man! I tried waking up Rajmata and Rajkumari and they woke up! They were equally shocked! Suddenly the man announced "BOW DOWN! OUR MASTER THE GREAT AND MIGHTY MAHARAJ SHUMB IS MAKING HIS ENTRY!" What the heck?? SHUMB? How did we even reached here?

Panchali's P.O.V

How did we reach here? Last time I remember speaking with Vrushali jiji but! Aarya where are you all? A man made his entry! He introduced himself as Shumb! And suddenly came towards me breathing right in my face I stumbled back! He backed off and started speaking "I had no intention of kidnapping you both women's, all I want to do with was this woman!" He stated pointing towards me and continued "but you both were a nuisance in my work so I decided to give you the punishment for it!" GUARDS! TAKE THIS WOMAN VRUSHALI AND this oh so called RAJMATA TO ANOTHER DUNGEON! AND LET THEM STARVE!" I widened my eyes! Two female guards came out of no where and started dragging Vrushali jiji by her hairs memories of Hastinapur sabha filled my brain as tears rolled down my cheeks all I could do was watch and when both were out of the dungeon Shumb came towards me and said "I will give you an opportunity to save them! Marry me and stay as my mistress and I promise you I will let the two women go!" He said! I slapped him right across his face and said "YOU BETTER STAY IN YOUR LIMITS! ONCE MY AARYA'S GET TO KNOW ABOUT WHAT YOU DID THEY WILL MAKE SURE YOU WILL NOT SEE TOMORROW'S SUNRISE!" I said in a very angry tone! I had enough of this!

Why does people want to snatch me from my aarya's? I love them and I only belong to them! What made these people think I will ditch them? Don't they understand I love them? It's just as simple as that! I looked at him with bloodshot red eyes he tried to slap me but I doged it which made him even more angry and he said "I WILL TEACH YOU TUCH DASI A LESSON! GUARDS! LET HER STARVE! and yes make sure that the other two women are tortured!" He left I widened my eyes what have I done? Soon I heard Vrushali jiji screaming now there was only one way to save them and myself! I called Shumb and said "I want sometime to think about it!" To which he said " Good! You have 1 day! Think all you want! GUARDS! let the other two women go!" He said and walked away!
1 day! Aarya please come! I prayed to Mahadev!

Sahdev's P.O.V

We were talking to Bratha Karn! But why am I feeling something bad is going to happen?? Soon Radha arrived and complained of not seeing Panchali, Bhabhi and Mata! I looked at Bratha Arjun who nodded confirming that he too had the same feeling. We ran searching every corner of the house! Where are you mata? Where are you Bhabhi? Where are you Priye? I panicked I am really getting very very bad vibes! Bhratha Karn came towards us and showed us an ornament in his hand and said "I found this from there!" I looked at Bhratha Yudhisthir and asked "weren't we standing there when......." Then it all stucked to us! Whoever has kidnapped them was watching everything and knew everything! I clenched my fists they dared to keep eyes on our wife! I am not going to let them live even for a moment! Bhratha Arjun took the ornament in his hands and said he had seen this somewhere but couldn't remember it! Bhratha Karn closed his eyes as if trying to recall something and suddenly he opened it bloodshot red eyes and very angry he said "This thing belongs to SHUMB!" Anger was the only thing I could feel inside myself! I recalled how Shumb had the habit of collecting every beautiful thing and he had eyes on our wife! How dare he?

Yudhisthir's P.O.V

Why does this always happen with her only? Why?? Just why? Haven't you done enough to her God? She had already suffered alot! She loves us we love her this was simple! She is ours and still people want to seperate her from us? I will not spare anyone! Kalyani just hold on we are coming!

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