The war

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NOTE:- In this book none of the Pandava children dies! Dhrishtadyum and Shikandini will also be alive.


"DUSSHASAN" growled an angry Bheem as he ran behind Dushaasan who was trying to run away for his life but he fell making it easy for Bheem to catch Dusshasan's hairs as he dragged him the same way he had dragged Panchali, Dusshasan screamed and cried for help but of no use!

Bheem dragged Dusshasan threw him on the floor and again dragged him till he was thrown towards Panchali's feet. Panchali looked at Dushssan lowering her eyeballs, her face emotionless as she recalled every moment of Hastinapur sabha, Bheem teared open Dushssan chest as he brought the blood towards Panchali's hair and washed her hair with his blood, he was about to drink Dusshasan's blood when Panchali said "he is your brother Arya!" Bheem instantly regretted as he threw the blood away and hugged Dusshasan as he cried.

Panchali looked at Dhuryodhan and Shakuni who stood their anger washed over her as she stood up and growled "WHAT HAVE THIS BROUGHT TO YOU DHRITRASHTR PUTR? WHY WAS THERE A NEED OF SUCH DISASTROUS WAR? HAVE YOU EVER REGRETTED YOUR BEHAVIOUR? JUST BECAUSE OF YOUR BEHAVIOUR THE ENTIRE WORLD SAW THIS TYPE OF DISASTER. There was just a need of asking forgiveness and you, you rejected that also! HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT YOUR MOTHER? HOW MUCH PAIN SHE WENT THROUGH TO GIVE YOU THIS LIFE? AND IN RETURN WHAT ARE YOU GIVING HER? PAIN? SUFFERING? DO YOU EVEN KNOW THE PAIN OF LOOSING A CHILD?? WHAT WAS THE NEED OF ALL OF THIS? YOUR ACTIONS WILL BE A LESSON TO THE FUTURE GENERATION, WHENEVER A WOMAN IS HUMILIATED THE COUNT DOWN OF ADHRAM BEGINS. YOU THOUGHT INSULTING A WOMAN WILL NOT RESULT IN ANYTHING? THEN TELL ME WHAT HAS THIS WAR BROUGHT TO YOU? LOSS OF LIFE? CURSES OF MANY MOTHERS, WIFES, DAUGHTERS? ANSWER ME!" she screamed the Pandavas looked at their wife, this was the first time she was this angry and they had never seen her this side. They watched as they saw her loosing her consciousness, Arjun ran to her and held her before she could fall on the ground.


Takshak growled in anger, he wanted blood, the blood of Pandavas and the only way to get what he wanted was to kidnap their weak point that is their wives. He smirked evily as he watched the Pandavas leaving with their sons towards Krishn's tent to discuss warfare leaving behind Panchali, Vrushali, Pragati and Printha.

This was perfect as he snapped his finger entering the tent of the woman's and he snapped his fingers again white dust flowing everywhere and the moment it cleared there was no one except for non-living things.

Pragya's P.O.V

I blinked my eyes open to find myself, Printha, mata, and Mata Panchali how did we reached here? I tried waking them up and they woke up holding their heads and then we noticed it's morning again 16th day of the war and then white dust flew everywhere and in the next moment we were in the war field. How did we reach here? We were tied with something magical rope and we looked up to see pitashree, mamashree krishn, Kakashrees and bhrathashrees.

Tears flew down my cheeks as I felt someone beating me but that wasn't why I am was crying someone was beating Printha also, my sister is in pain. I have to do something. I looked at pitashree they were helpless what will they do?

Mata Vrushali and Mata Panchali were held captive daggers kept around their neck as I heard Yuvraj Duryodhan growl "PANDAVAS ACCEPT YOUR DEFEAT OTHERWISE I WILL KILL YOUR WIFE'S AND MY SON WILL RA*E YOUR DAUGHTERS!" my eyes widened did he just say the word ra*e, it's fine if I get raped but why Printha? Why her? She is just a baby, a 13 year old. Then I heard mamashree krishn speaking "let your energy flow sakhi!" I looked at him confused and then the next moment I heard Mata Panchali growl in complete anger as she said " I HAD ENOUGH! ENOUGH OF MEN THINKING THAT WOMEN ARE WEAK!" I looked at her, her eyes bloodshot red as she looked at the men ahead of her, she looked at mata Vrushali and then they nodded, both of them used their elbows as they kicked the men who holded the daggers in their necks as the men fell down while my both the Mata's snatched the daggers form their hands and then pitashree and Kakashree Arjun used their arrows to kill the men who held us captive and we ran towards them, mata Vrushali also came but Mata Panchali stayed back. Her eyes were still red as she looked at Yuvraj Duryodhan and growled in anger "I HAD WARNED YOU YESTERDAY TO NOT LOOK AT A WOMAN THINKING THAT THEY ARE WEAK AND YET YOU DIDN'T UNDERSTAND AND INSTEAD SENT TAKSHAK TO KIDNAP US AND RAPE MY DAUGHTERS. WHAT MADE YOU THINK THAT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO RAPE THEM WHEN I AM ALIVE?" Takshak laughed and said "YOU! you a woman is going to kill me? I have a boon you tutch dasi, neither a man, even a devta nor an ordinary woman, girl or boy can kill me! I am amar!" Dhuryodhan, Gandharraj, Takshak and Jayadrath all laughed together but Mata Panchali laughed very loudly I looked at Kakashrees who too were confused and then Mata panchali growled "NO ONE IN THIS WORLD IS AMAR YOU IMBICIBLE! JUST BECAUSE YOU THOUGHT THAT NEITHER A MAN, A WOMAN, A GIRL NOR A BOY CAN'T KILL YOU, YOU FOOL THOUGHT YOU ARE AMAR? HOW CAN YOU FORGET THAT THERE EXIST A POWER THE POWER OF PARVATI, LAKSHMI, SARASWATI AND SHAKTI. HOW CAN YOU FORGET THAT A WOMAN AND A MAN CAN KILL YOU TOGETHER? YOU THOUGHT WOMAN'S DON'T HAVE ANY SHAKTI RIGHT? YOU THOUGHT WOMAN'S ARE WEAK? THEN TODAY THE SAME WOMAN WHOM YOU THOUGHT TO BE WEAK WILL KILL YOU." I watched my eyes widening as mata panchali's skin turned dark blue, her ornaments melting due to the high temperature as she turned into mahakaali. We all went on our knees even pitashree except for Kakashrees as we watched them uniting into Kakashree Arjun forming the roop of Mahakaal as he went forward and stood beside mahakaali. We watched them do tandav as we heard those dumbpricks trembling, maa mahakali tool her trishul and killed Takshak and mahakaal threw his pashupatashtr towards Jayadrath not letting his head fall on the ground as the arrow took his head in the direction of his father who died.

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