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Note:- In this story Pandavas will be having only 5 children:-

Abhimanyu, prativindya and Printha along with Karn's daughter Pragti and Bheem's son with Hidimbi Ghatotkachh!


After an year

"Panchali stop right were you are! I had told you not go outside! You are freaking 2 days pregnant! You should have rested well!" Yelled Nakul trying to catch his butterfly who had disobeyed. "STOP RIGHT THERE BEFORE WE GIVE YOU SOME EMBARASSING PUNISHMENT!" Yelled Bheem, Panchali stopped right on her tracks and turned around making a cute puppy face!
"That won't work with us!" Said Yudhisthir twisting her ear between his Index and thumb fingers making Panchali whine she made a cute little face melting their hearts. "you have disobeyed your husband's you have to get punishment for that!" Said Arjun! They bit back a chuckle seeing Panchali widen her eyes "What punishment should we give?" Asked Sahdev as if thinking very deeply. "Aryaaaaaaaaaaa!" Whined Pancholi "Don't whined Panchali no one is going to save you today." Said Bheem as they walked to their room, closing the door behind.
(You imagine the rest! 🤭🤭)


After 6 months!

Panchali had given birth to Prativindya a year ago! And now she was 6 months pregnant. She smiled at about 2 year old year old Abhimanyu and Pragti as she carried prativindya in her arms! Her aarya's, Karn and Vrushali were busy in their own works. She smiled at the two little children who were running around her playing and Ghatotkachh trying to catch them as he was acting like he couldn't catch them!


Vidur made his way towards Indraprastha! He knows what was going to happen but he was tied. Tied by his promise. He can't do anything. He had to obey the great king of Hastinapur. He looked at his hands which carried a letter actually an invitation for dyut he knew the one who will loose will have to go to 12 years of exile and 1 year of incognito. This was being sent as a peace settlement!

He sighed heavily yet again Hastinapur had fallen in the trap of Gandharraj. He walked through th corridors to the throne room and saw Karn sitting in the throne and Vrushali beside him and the Pandavas alongwith their wife greeted Vidur. He gave the invitation to Karn and he read it aloud. The peace settlement! Loser have to go to 12 year of exile and 1 year of incognito and if they are found during this time they have to repeat the same, the Pandavas thought very hard about it and thought to reject it but Vidur encouraged them he saying "this is a peace settlement! My dear sons, before waging a war every king must do a peace settlement otherwise the people will blame you all for the destruction even though it's the fault of the opponents!" Vidur didn't wanted to encourage them but he had to and then the Pandavas agreed.


The Pandavas found themselves standing infront of Hastinapur again after 2 year or so it hasn't even changed a bit. They wanted to wage a war and not to play some kind of dice game. But they had to since Vidur had insisted them to.

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