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Panchali's P.O.V

I blinked my eyes open, to find myself shackled, i don't remember anything but i do feel very hard pain in back of my head, I was unable to move, my hands, legs were shackled, How? I looked around the room to get a clear understanding of where am I, darkness is all I can see, my lips were dry i started to speak to know if there is anyone else
No reply, i felt weak, I asked again when sunlight found its path to reach me the door to whatever chamber it is was open, I can hear footsteps getting stronger and stronger and then he came covered in blue colour his eyes only showing lust and hatred, he was followed by his guards, he came straight up to me and circled me, all I can do was watch and that too I was unable to do properly the only thing that I can do now was to try to keep my eyes open and try to get hold of some breathe, I closed my eyes when whatever creature was he came extremely close to me and started breathing right in my neck
"Hey beautiful look at me" He said but i didn't, then he shouted which nearly made me jump from the spot I was in, I looked at him with some feelings i don't know what! Where are my aarya's? I finally gathered up the courage and spoke with bravery
P:- Who the freaking hell are you?
H:- Oh me? You don't know me? Like literally you don't know me?

What does he even mean? Like literally how the hell am I supposed to know who he is?

H:- Look at her she doesn't know me! Ok, Let me clarify, I am the one who abducted you for my master who is madly in love with you, he said he will give you 3 days maximum to think about it accept him or else live like this for your whole life standing and going through all the tortures that no one has ever went through

P:- If my aaryas came to know about this they will not leave you and your whatsoever master until you are begging for death

H:- Oh come on! Your aaryas will not even think about our master as he is  an old and by old I mean very old enemy it's been ages since they met, they won't even remember me as their enemy, ans after some days they will get tired of searching you and then they will marry their own wife's and live peacefully ever after, by the way take your time to accept our master

P:- your master is nothing to me! All he showed is he is a Kayar who doesn't know how to fight with someone who is brave enough to defeat him

I said with complete boldness i don't know where it is coming from but i know that I am not afraid of him or his master but i do feel him slap me i did not even wince cause I am not going to show them that i am afraid right now, i really very badly want o meet my aaryas, they left without closing the doors  but i can't run as I am shackled, I hope for the best, i believe in my love, though i know it will take them some time to find me, I was lost, i am lost.........

Authors P.O.V

Pandavas reached Dwarka gate to find Arjun devastated, Subadhra and Rukmini trying to console him, Krishna and Balram discussing something


Arjun looked at Bheem run and hugged Yudhishthir

Y:- Phalgun tell me what happened, don't test my patience

N:- Bhrataa speak something

S:- Leave that all tell me where is Panchali?

Arjun was unable to speak he doesn't know what to say, Subhadra came forward and said

S:- Bhrataa, Panchali i....is......m....mi..... missing, we tried our best to find her but could not find

Pandavas were unable to breathe, she who was their life, who ruled their hearts, not their hearts but their very own souls she is missing? She who completely belongs to them is missing how? How? Howwww? That's the only question that was running in their mind


A:- Br....Bra....th....a......

They understand their brothers pain, they have never seen him stammer never even when their father and mother (Madri) died

Y:- It's not time to fight we need to find her! She needs our help

N:- Bratha Krishn do you have any Idea about where we should start?

K:- I don't priy Nakul! But just remember old is also so sometimes dangerous, but for now you should go back to Hastinapur

They don't know what he meant with that but knows that whatever it is their Panchali need their help.......

The news about abduction of Yuvrani Panchali reached Hastinapur Shakuni used this oppertunity of weekness of Pandavas and tried to manipulate Dhritirasht to change Yuvraj of Hastinapur, everyone was present in that Sabha even Pandavas

Shakuni:- A broken man will never be able to rule a great kingdom like Hastinapur Maharaj

Bhishma:- I don't need any power whoever wants to take it can take it i don't care and if you don't hear me clearly I will repeat I DON'T CARE but Yuvraj will remain as Yudhishthir and what do you mean by a broken man?

Pandavas on the other hand were numb they were physically present in that damn sabha but not mentally, they were only thinking about their love at what situation she might be in

Dhritirasht:- Calm down Mahamahim, yudhishthir do you have to say something about this? Hastinapur needs a Yuvrani, you have to marry any other princess what do you say?

Everyone was waiting for Yudhishthir to reply but no reply came Dhritirasht asked him again still no reply all the Yuvraj was doing was looking at floor the marble fine structured floor, everyone was just looking at the five rajkumars most of them were feeling sad for them but most of them were angry at the King who just ordered yuvraj to marry again, though panchali was there just for 1 week she got hold of people's heart with her kind behaviour that no ther Kulvadhu showed, they were in love with the princess kind behaviour, her kind heart one of the public shouted


Shakuni:- Keep quiet sabha janom this isn't something you should interfere, Yuvraj say yes or give your thrown to someone else

Pandavas were angry, not angry at the people but angry that only the freaking sabha is caring about is power, they couldn't stand their for a minut they got up and exited the fuc*ing sabha

Everyone was shocked about their behaviour

Vidur:- Maharaj i think they need some time please dismiss the court for somedays we will discuss this again once they are alright

Dhritirasht agreed and everyone left the Sabha everyone except those 100 brothers with their uncle

Dhuryodhan:- Mama, i need power but i need that freaking Panchali also

Shakuni:- You will get both mere bacche, first you will get power

Dh:- But who abducted Panchali? If it's not us?

Shakuni laughed and said " A old enemy of our Hastinapur mere bacche Jarasandh"

Just then someone gasped, all of them turned to see Dushala, she came to Hastinapur to pacify her brothers, she thought they might be in sabha so she came their just hear her own brother say this

Dhuryodhan got furious he threw a dagger at her but she escaped it, he doesn't care that infront of him was his sister all he cared is about his secret getting exposed, he started moving towards her Dushala also started moving backwards and then she started to run, she don't know where she is running to but ultimately met Kunti and Ghandhari in her way, she sighed in relief, she know her brother will not be able to do anything now, Dhuryodhan came and stopped seeing Ghandhari and Kunti, he looked back to see Dushala smile proudly

D:- Mata pls handle Dhryodhan bhaiyaa for sometime I will come back after sometime

She said and left the moment she was away from his sight dark spots started to dance in her view bluring her view, she doesn't know what but she started to feel weird....................


Hi everyone!

Here we go again with a chapter in next chapter the reunion i will try my best to add that in next chapter

Till then bye bye take care tata

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