A small conversation

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Panchali's P.O.V

Why will Mata Kunti ask Maharathi Karn to stay here tonight? his words rang in my ears "Mitr such women does not deserve to wear such a luxurious saree" I close my eyes remembering every moment of the rajya sabha.
"Panchal Kumari" I turned around it was Vishali. I looked at her and smiled joined my hands in respect. She too did the same.
"Can I talk to you for a second?" She asked me
I nodded my head agreeing!
V:- Kumari are you angry?
Me:- That depends on whom jiji!

V:- on my Arya?
Me:- Of course I am! If Maharathi Karn haven't ordered to Duryodhan then this would have never happened!

V:- Is there any way that you could forgive him?
Me:- I will take time jiji! It's not easy for me to forgive everyone!
V:+ there is something else I need to talk to you about! It's just weighing my heart! And I really want to tell that to someone! If you have time can you please listen to me?

Me:- Go ahead!
V:- Today Arya came to know about his astitva! That's why he left Ang as a way to seek forgiveness! His whole world shook today Kumari! I can feel his pain! In his entire life he was mocked on just because of his kul. He was not even given the opportunity to show his skills! And when someone did that to him! He felt that someone is there in this world who will understand him! Unfortunately it was Rajkumar Duryodhan! He was unable to understand why Rajkumar wanted him as a friend! He just became brainwashed Kumari!
I seek forgiveness for him in front of you! Please forgive my aarya!

She joined her hands and held her head down! I just couldn't speak and went away from there slowly.......

Hey guys!

I uh.......
I am going to give this book a pause! My mind has stopped working! I will take time to write the next chapter since, Karn abandoned Ang, and I landed in a great dilemma! If someone could help then please help me! I will update you soon.....
Sorry for disappointing you all...

But, till then.......
To keep you all busy reading, I have a new book which revolves around the Pandavas sisters, The plot and all will be explained in the book!
I hope you all will support that book also!
Name of the book:- "Sword of Destiny"

Genre:- Fictional, Mahabharat


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