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Dhritarashtra was thinking about his son's safety as he know Pandavas are not going to let his sons slip away for what they did with their wife, so he called Shakuni for some advice to which he said

S:- Maharaj! IT'S great that you called me for advice and I would suggest you send them to Varnavrat to give them some blessings


S:- Maharaj please calm down! When a rat hides in his mole then a lion cannot enter there but a snake can! On the night of Diwali, Duryodhan's Rajyabhishek preparation will go on I promise you but for that, you need to send those Pandavas to Varnavrat


Shakuni comes back and explains why the king called him

Duryodhana:- But mamaashree I don't know what and all you are planning but no matter what I need Panchali and you know what I need I have to get it

S:- That will also be taken care my dear one

D:- But how?? If Pandavas go they will surely take Panchali with them then?

S:- have patience dear have patience

Panchali blinked her eyes open to get caged between 5 pairs of arms, she blew air into their ears which made them remove their hands she kissed their forehead one by one and then went out to get ready when she returned she saw them getting ready, and made her bite her lips and mumble "am I late?"

"These women's take a lot of time Bratha" Nakul mumbled "Have any Idea what they do once inside?" 

"How am I supposed to know? Am I a woman? Come on!" Bheem said

The room burst into laughter and then they heard a sweet giggling 
All turned and smiled just then a soldier appeared and informed us it was time for the Rajya sabha

In Rajya sabha

Vidhur:- In my memory bhathaashree has never gone there

Pitamah:- Yes!

But Dhritarashtra didn't listen and asked Pandavas to go to Varnavrat

D:- Pitamah! You have turned old and so is your memory, Pandu Putron I request you to go to Varnavrat and get blessings there cause your father has believed that their blessings are granted

Kunti:- But Maharaj Yudhishthira just became a king he will be having responsibilities how can he leave those and go?

D:- That will be taken care of Kunti don't worry

K:- Then ok we will go!

Pandavas looked at their mother who gave them a reassuring look they smiled

G:- But...

D:- what buts Ghandhari?

G:- Aarya, Panchali has just entered it's not even one month since she came and as per rituals she cannot get out of her in-law's house without passing at least 1 month so she will not go anywhere

Everyone looked at the queen of Hastinapur in complete shock

Y:- You can't do that maharani

A:- if it's like that then we are not going

All nodded in agreement

D:- Putron don't worry about Panchali she will be taken care of here! But no matter what happens you have to go to varnavrat

Pandavas knew something fishy is going on but still for the sake of their mother they agreed.

D: Great then! You will leave by tomorrow dawn. Sabha dismissed 


A:- Mataa this not fair what kind of rule is that?

K:- Don't worry dear she will be fine! and also we are going only for 1 week what will happen between that small gap?

Y;- But maa

K;- No buts, I talked to Panchali about this she is completely fine with it what's your problem? Go get ready

They nodded and left


B;- Will you be okay?

P;- I am not a baby come on!

A:- You are



Y:- Ok kids! Enough! 

They all hugged her and then got lost in their own world...........


Hey guys! 
I know this chapter is too short next chapter I promise will be long I promise! Will be updating soon

But before that 
Any Ideas what will happen?
Will Panchali Left alone?


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