Pragati and Abhimanyu 💕

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Arjun walked to his chamber in Indraprasth, his hand was bleeding the other Pandavas (Karn not here) were seated on the couch as Arjun jumped on the bed to rest, Nakul commented "The great Ghandivdhari is tired? What a miracle" Arjun replied "atleast I don't get tired like you who does nothing expect to stare in the mirror! I fought to Indradev!" Nakul pouted and said "oh please! I am the most handsome man! I should keep the status!" And Bheem said "of course most handsome man of monkeys!" The Pandavas laughed as they looked at the door when they heard the soft tinkels of anklet as Panchali made her way to the chamber standing right in the entrance. She had freshened and changed her clothes and was looking heavenly.

Pandavas got lost, themselves in her as Panchali blushed but soon they stopped smiling looking at her opened hair! She had taken a vow of not tying her hair until and unless her humiliation was avenged. The Pandavas had asked her not to wear chudamani as it will remind them of their vows.

 The Pandavas had asked her not to wear chudamani as it will remind them of their vows

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She came near to Arjun and sat beside him. She had haldi in her hands and started applying it in Arjun's biceps and Arjun said in a flirty manner "Haiiii! If getting injured means getting the comfort of haldi massage from Panchali's hands then I am ready to get injured!" And the other pandavas said "We toooo" Panchali blushed as she hitted Arjun's bicep and he made a fake hurt face! After applying the haldi she layed her head in Sahdev's shoulder and slept. The Pandava's were just praying that Panchali and Vrushali deliver their babies successfully and there is no life threat to the mother's


"Make sure thet you people give this medicine to both Panchali and Vrushali. This will take away the possibility of them giving birth and will kill their unborns right on their stomach!" Said Gandharraj looking at the soldier that he had specially prepared. The drugs in his hands will kill the unborn children right in their mother's womb! He smirked, now that was the only way to keep his nephews safe. He handed over the medicine to the man infront of him as he carried it.
Duryodhan asked "But mamashree why kill he unborns? Can't you give the medicine after the babies are born? I mean your medicine has the power to kill the possibility of giving birth again!" Shakuni said "Murkhta ke baatein mat karo! Just go with my plan" as they smirked together.


Hidimbi made her way towards indraprasth as she smiled. Her eyes clashed with Bheem her love and husband, tears flew down her cheek after years they had met. Ghatotkachh made his way towards his father who hugged him tightly as all the three broke down crying. Panchali hugged Hidimbi and Ghatotkachh who smiled at her.


The soldier walked through the corridors dressing as one of the attendent and went towards the kitchen. He asked to a dasi there "where is the food for Maharani and Rajkumari? They have asked me to bring the food!" The dasi handed him two bowls of kheer and said "Please take this to the queen we will being the rest of the food!" The soldier smirked and nodded.
On his way he added the medicine to the kheer as he said internally "now no one can save your children, not even god!"  He walked feeling victorious but his smile immediately faded as he watched Krishn sitting with his sakhi while talking to her. he for very well knew Krishn will identify the kheer's fault! His hands started shaking as he noticed how the Pandavas were glaring at him. He went towards the queen and the younger queen to give them their Kheer as he watched them pick it up and about to drink when Krishn said "Stop! Hand me over the kheer bowls!" Vrushali and Panchali handed his their kheer bowls. Krishn just kept staring at it and after few minutes he returned it "Now you can drink it!" He looked at the Pandavas as Vrushali and Panchali drank the kheer. The soldier turned to leave but was blocked by Pandavas who glared at him! He dared try poision their wives? Their damn wives? They watched as Panchali and Vrushali fall asleep. Krishn had converted the poison to a sleeping pill.
And soon! The soldier saw his death standing right infront of him as he trembled...

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