New story!

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The Kuru vansh was in swarglok when the Pandavas and the Kauravas had another fight.

Krishn now revealed to them as lord Narayan himself appeared infront of them and asked them for a wish.

The Kauravas said "Hai prabhu! We want to take rebirth in Kaliyug and defeat this Pandavas atleast for once!"

Lord Narayan thought about it and said internally "for once! Ofcourse. But the ultimate win will be of true love." And he looked at Kauravas and said "yes sure you can take rebirth in Kaliyug but only 4 of you can take rebirth!" The Kauravas thought about it and said "ok Prabhu! I Duryodhan, Dusshasan, Vikarn and Mama Shakuni will be taking rebirth!"

Lord Hari smiled and then he looked at the Pandavas and asked "what about you all my dear Pandavas?" The Pandavas looked at Shree Hari and said with full devotion and love "Hai madhav! We want to take rebirth in Kaliyug and be with Panchali once again! We want to love her once again make her ours once again but we do have a small request and that is we would like to remember about ourselves but Panchali must not remember anything!" shree Hari smiled proud looking at the Pandavas and said "Of course my dear Pandavas! Your wish just like Kauravas will be fulfilled and....." he was cut of by Karn and he said "Vasudev! I do not wish to take reincarnation as I do not see any point of that!"

Shree Hari smiled and said "tatastu" before  disappearing and returned to vaikunt.


Hey guzzzz!

Do give a reading and support me in this book also! I will start working on it soon!

Name of the book:-
Rebirth:- Another chance!

Genre:- Mahabharat in Kaliyug, Romance, fanfiction, Mafias, thriller, entertaining!

Note:- Panchali will be married to all the five brothers in Kaliyug also!


Prepared by Aaru_Govindpriya

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Prepared by Aaru_Govindpriya

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