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Radha went to the market to get house supplies but little does she know what was going to happen to her. on her way she bumped into her crush, and she felt like flowers were showering on them. But

c:- Can't yous see and walk? Didn't god give you eyes?

R;- O! God has only given me eyes and not you?

He nodded arrogantly, Radha narrowed her eyes and he kept his arrogance back at his house

C:- Mera matlab hai ki god has also given me eyes but did you see my brother anywhere? I was finding him. Can you please help me?

R:- (Widening her eyes) NO NO! No Gopal I have a lot of work, I have to buy groceries for my house and stuff so that Rajkumari can stay properly there without any problem.

*suddenly realizes what she said and looked all around herself to see all the people staring at her*

c;- What did you just say? Rajkumari is staying at your house?

R;- No, you heard Rajkumari? but I said Kumari my father's brother's daughter came to my house so

*Everyone looked away from her realizing she meant something else*

Radha bid farewell to her crush when he held her hand and took her away.

R;- Where are you taking me? are you mad?

But he didn't say anything just kept dragging her until they reached a lake that was decorated completely. Radha was confused and she turned but there was no one, she looked down and there he was her crush Gopal on one knee holding up his hand

G;- Hai mere dil ki rani. Kya aap meri ban jaaogi hamesha ke liye?

Radha was happy, more than happy she nodded and ran from there excited but her excitement didn't last long when she reached her house coming to know Panchali cannot be found anywhere. She ran here and there, checked all the places where ever it is possible for Panchali for going but she did not find her. But when she reached the backyard she saw everything out of its place. She followed that and reached Hastinapur's court.

Everyone was gathered there almost all citizens of Hastinapur. She went there slowly and pushed other women and came to its center to find Panchali laying down, her hair was a complete mess, her sari was also a little bit torn she didn't wear any ornaments, and everything was out of its place. Radha's eyes filled with tears seeing Panchali laying like that, she rushed to help but the soldiers standing there were not allowing her to go. Radha was confused about what happened in this short period.

Panchali's P.O.V

Radha said she was going to the market, she didn't want me to accompany her because she is afraid for me. I also didn't protest, after she left I went to the backyard to enjoy the company of the only people I can trust. Yes, nature. I sat nearby the lake but felt a sharp pain in my head I turned around to see Dushassan holding my hair tightly. I tried my best to get rid of his hands when he suddenly started dragging me. But I somehow got rid of his hands and started throwing things at him whatever gets my hand. Now my only aim was to get out of his hands but my attempts went in vain as he again got hold of my hair and started dragging me. I tried my best to bit him but all my efforts went in vain. So I let it go he kept on dragging me and I pushed everything that came in way in an attempt to hit him with something.

I was being dragged inhumanly to the big court of Hastinapur where millions of people were enjoying the scene the most heartbreaking thing was Pitamah, mahamantri Vidur, and Dronacharya were also standing there doing nothing. Is it a very funny thing to watch?

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