Truth reaveled

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Gandhari ordered the dasi's to not lit a single candle in the palace anymore.
She was standing in the corner of a room filled with darkness as the words of Pandavas and their panchali rang in har ears making her heart throd with pain. Her breath hitched remembering Panchali's curse.
"No women will ever be born in the kuru lineage again...... Everyone present in this adharm sabha will get punished......."
Her eyes burned remembering Pandava's words
"I will avenge for panchali, I will wash her hair with Dushasan's blood, I promise that all the 100 brothers will die in my hands...."
As she was crying slowly breaking the spell of Drupad's sister, as her spell won't work in front of true tears and this tears where of the pain of a mother..

Her blood boiled and she went to duryodhan's room
Dhuryodhan looked at Gandhari, she came and slapped Dushassan, who looked at her in horror

Shakuni who was listening all this stood up irritated

S:- Meri pyaari behen shaant ho gao. Duryodhan ko nahi tumhari kisi aur putro ko chot pohunchega. Trust me!

G:- Please do something brathasree. I can't bear Any of my son's death. Please.l

D:- Mata you are worried about that wh**es curse?? Don't worry nothing will happen to me.

Gandhari stormed out of the room because if she stays for more than one more minute she will forget they are her son's.

Duryodhan left the room along with his brothers frustrated.
Leaving Gandhar raj alone in the big dark room. He smirked, thinking that his plans are now going to be successful. He only paved way for pandavas to escape but as he came to know that they are going to take Panchali without anyone's attention he decided to humiliate her in front of the whole sabha...
He heard footsteps approaching him which made him turn and his smirk widened.
Their stoop Drupad along with his sister and family.
They all smirked slowly the Kuru vamsh will come to an end and then they will rule the whole aryavart....

Panchali was sitting their thinking about her misfortune. She was so happy that her husband's are here yes they are here present with her.
She smiled looking at her husband's who were sitting there right infront angry towards Kauravas. But her smile didn't lasted for a second. Remembering all the humiliation, her own vastraharan now whenever she looks at her paloo of the saree she remembers her humiliation. Tears hugged her eyes. She was tired of all the humiliation. Her eyelids grew heavy and slowly she dozed off to sleep.

Kauravas had crossed all the limits now. They were angry at them. Bheem was furious. Today for the first time the world saw the angry face of the most calm person Dharmraj. ....
They were walking here and there and was pushing everything that's coming on their way. When Bheem was about to push the big vessel there Sahdev stopped him and indicated hum that Panchali is sleeping.
They looked at her sitting in the middle of the bed curved into a ball and sleeping. Just looking at her their anger diminished. Arjun went near her and layed her down on the mattress by this sudden jerk Panchali woke up. She looked at them with her innocent eyes. She was still laying in the bed. Now Arjun couldn't control it anymore he slammed his lips against her making her moan. She felt two pair of lips on her neck sucking and biting there.. while she felt other two on her stomach. Their combined touch made her forget about everything except them. She was lost in them. She moaned in to Arjun's mouth which made him growl. Bheem's hand wrapped around the paloo of her saari and he threw it open. She blushed. She lay there just in her blouse and skirt. They exchanged Yudhishthir kissed her lips while the twins we making there way up her body to her neck.
There was nothing but love, they took her pain and gave her their happiness.

Panchali didn't want anything more than be with them, her eyes welled up, as tears found a way to reach her again.
It didn't take much time for the Pandavas to read her mind. The girl was completely an open book to them their anger on the Kauravas increased every moment they see her, kiss her.
Panchali sat up in the bed holding her knees tightly towards herself and cried her heart out in the arms of the men she trusted the most.
P:- "Why me aarya??? What have i done to deserve such a big humiliation?"

Y:- "You have done nothing priye, the Kauravas with this humiliation just called upon their death." (He said carrsing her hairs)

Ar:- That's the biggest mistake Duryodhan has done don't worry priye we will avenge for every drop that had fell from your eyes because of them.

P:- Am I really impure? Am I really a who......

Bheem covered her mouth not letting her speak another word. Their eyes filled with fury and tears, they just hugged her

N:- NEVER EVER say that you are the main reason for us to be alive, you are the very reason for our existence you are our soul Panchali.

S:- You have the purest soul that I have ever seen princess.

He wasn't saying this just to console her but it was the truth. The truth she failed to understand. Her soul is the purest of all, purest and innocent.

They all hugged her tightly just consoling her.

Duryodhan was happy that Panchali was humiliated now that bi*ch will know the consequences of rejecting him..

Karn on the other hand was remembering every single moment of Draupadi's humiliation when a voice approached him
"Your destination is an accumulation of all your decisions angraj Karn" it was none other than Krishn
"Just one decision can alter your destiny, it can transform the future but decisions are derived out of human perspective and altering perspective is a herculean task. The thoughts a human has been harbouring all his life influence him and when one's thoughts can't be altered one's decisions too can't be altered.
Hence, future remains uncertain as ever."
"It's ones experience that influence his thoughts Vasudev." Karn argued back.
"Only my friend has the right over Hastinapur's throne"

"How is that so?" Krishn asked curious

"My friends father is a king and a king's son becomes the next king"

"So do you mean that ones birth determines what one deserves and not the capabilities?"

"you are trying to trap me in my own thoughts Vasudev"

"Then you only deserve to be a charioteer, won't you take part in this war?"

"I don't know wether there will be a war or not but when the whole world was mocking me then only my friend Duryodhan stood up for me. And if there will be any war then there is no doubt I will side my mitr"

"It's your decision angraj! But what will you call this??

Ofcourse as my duty Vasudev.

If you were born as kshatriya and was born to be a king then will this be still your duty?

The question itself is unnecessary Vasudev I am charioteer son's born to Adirath and Mata Radha

Krishn just shook his head:-

No angraj you are not the son of Adirath and Mata Radha, they found you in the banks of ganga.

Karn felt his whole world shook upside down. His knees felt weaker krishn continued

You are the blessing of the Lord Suryanarayan himself.

Then whose son am I?

You are the son of Rajmata Kunti angraj. Now think you wisely and take your decision

Krishna left him as he very well know he need some time
Karn's knees gave up, the women whom he respected and wanted to be with her, the one women whom just by looking at her he gets the feeling of motherhood, the one woman whom he looked up like a mother's figure his entire life was really his mother. His birth mother.
He cried, Lord Suryanarayan glowed and then his behind the clouds...........


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