United again

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Dhushala blinked her eyes open to see Panchali, she tried to proceed what was happening and then it hit her, she run to paanchali who was sleeping

D:- panchali....panchali.....wake up.... wake up dear

Panchali blinked her eyes open but she couldn't keep it open for long as

D:- Oh god! Why is she not able to open her eyes?

Her eyes roamed all over her body, her eyes filled with tears, she has scars, red finger prints in her cheeks, she was barely breathing, hen her eyes landed on door which just opened and walked in Jarasandh who thinks himself the master of all and back of him was her husband Jayadradh

Dushala's P.O.V

Why is aarya with them? Is he also involved in this? I need answers

"Aarya? I told you not to involve in this then? If you would have loved your wife even a bit, stope this save Panchali "

He laughed for what? He came and slapped me, but I didn't stepped aside, I want to block them from reaching Panchali

"Don't please" a voice came, i turned to see Panchali come back to consciousnes

"Please don't hurt her, please" she begged him

But I was stubborn too, i didn't moved from the spot I stood,

"Aarya pls stop this i beg you, show some humanity"

But he didn't he ordered the guards to take me and moved to Panchali, i struggled soo hard to move but couldn't they pinned me to the wall now all I could do was to watch them hurting Panchali

"Stop talking about your aaryas Panchali, 3 days are over accept us" he shouted


I smiled proudly, way to go girl

Jarasandh slapped her but it was not her who screamed, we all turned to see....

Bheem's P.O.V

Vasudev didn't know where is Panchali we searched everywhere where is she? Where are you Priye?
We were all sitting in our room devasted, we don't know how we are even breathing, the very basic existence of our live is not here where she belonged, it's been three days since Panchali  has been abducted

Mata and Gandhari ma entered our chamber it was only me who noticed their presence none of the others didn't noticed them

Ma:- Putron atleast have something, it's been days

Me:- Ma! Please we don't want anything now

Ma:- But for how long son?

S:-  Mata it's been days since they are missing

G:- What do you mean by they?

N:- Dushala is also missing right?

M:- Who said?

We all looked at them like they just arrived from some different world

She:- Who delights our hearts 💖Where stories live. Discover now