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Pandavas went towards the Hastinapur palace! They didn't wanted to go there but it was necessary! On the entrance they were greeted by Dhuryodhan who looked at Arjun! only if he had stopped Karn from leaving him he would be still with his side and not this Pandavas and fighting this idiot of an Arjun!

The Pandavas ignored Dhuryodhan and proceeded towards the rajyasabha! They entered and greeted Dhritrashtr! Yudhisthir said "Maharaj! We are here to take our rights! The land that we chose for ourselves to rule peacefully that we had mentioned earlier before someone had actually planned to kill us!  We want to rule Khandavprasth!" The sabha became a mumbling mess as Khandavprasth was a place were there was no living and that place was filled with Takshak nag's! Dhritrashtr smirked and he without any hesitation gave Khandavprasth to the Pandavas and declared it as an independent Kingdom! The Pandavas smirked as they knew Dhritrashtr will never hesitate to give Khandavprasth, now that Karn was the eldest Pandava they decided to make Karn the king! But the next statement Dhritarashtr said shocked them to core "But to wage a war! You have to get a heir! You have to be the father's of atleast 5 children, then and only then you can wage a war!" The Pandavas looked at each other and then at Bhishm who softly nodded, his eyes pleading them to agree, Pandavas thought about it for a moment and then agreed with a condition "FINE! we agree but with a condition! Neither of Hastinapur's royal family will enter Khandavprasth without our permission!" Dhritrashtr agreed!

Now since they were independent Yudhisthir spoke out "we will soon come back! But with a proposal of war! Be prepared Maharaj! We will come back to take the revenge of our Panchali who was humiliated in this sabha!" And Bheem added "and I promise that I will make sure you hear their cries from the battlefield till here! I will wash Panchali's hair with Dushaasan's blood!" and then they marched out of the sabha! Dhritrashtr now became anxious and he had no clue of how to save his sons!


Panchali was talking with Vrushali and Kunti! Karn on the other hand was just looking at them as he laid his head on his mother Radha's lap! A smile found its path towards him as he looked at them laughing and giggling! Kunti had apologized to him for her deeds and he forgave her because he knew in what situation she was, but he was not in a mood to talk to her neither have a good relationship with her. But he had forgiven her. He now wanted a peaceful life and nothing else!

His smile faded as he watched Vrushali about to fall down the floor becoming unconscious! He rushed towards her and held her waist as he panicked he watched as the same happened with Panchali and she was about to fall but Kunti held her! Worry masked their features as they took the two women inside their chambers!

Karn rushed out and called the vedji! He started treating the women while Kunti and Karn waited outside! Pandavas soon reached there but was shocked to see Kunti crying and Karn looking devasted they rushed towards them who explained the entire situation! Worry pooled their chests as they waited for the vedji to come out and say something!

The vedji came back to them with a smiling face and said "Congratulations you all are going to be father's!" Pandavas couldn't believe their ears! Panchali and Vrushali were pregnant! what the vedji said was music to their ears! The pandavs rushed towards their love who still lay unconscious on the bed! Karn carried Vrushali out of the chamber to their room!


Pandava's P.O.V (excluding Karn)

Panchali is pregnant! We all are going to be father's! What else can we wish for? We jumped in happiness! Soon Panchali recovered her consciousness we surrounded her and started peppring kisses all around her face! She moaned and giggled! She asked "what happened aarya?" To which Yudhisthir replied "thankyou Panchali you gave us the best gift one could ever asked for!" Panchali asked curiously "what? What gift?" To which Arjun replied "be ready to be a mother priye!" Panchali's eyes widened! She jumped here and there happily and exclaimed "AARYA!!! our baby!" She hugged us and we hugged her back! Just praying that both the baby and the mother would be safe completely! We promised ourselves to take care of our Priya!

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