Family completed

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I was bored! Nothing to do the entire day! So thought to write this chapter today only!


The author was sleeping peacefully and was lost in a world of Krishn while listening to the song "Shree Krishn govind hare murari" but all of a sudden "KIARA" the Pandavas yelled making the author fall from the couch she was sleeping in and she said in a fighting stance taking her sword and said "yes! Yes I am awake! Where are the asurs?" To which Nakul replied "what asurs?" the author asked irritated and annoyed "then why the heck did you gave me your appearance? Didn't you had to kiss your wife or something?" To which Sahdev said "we were passing by and thought to say GOOD MORNING" the author looked at them like she was about to kill them.

"Go! Get lost! I don't want to talk to you" she said. Bheem replied "we neither! You humiliated my Priya Panchali in the sabha and then made us wait to take revenge! Anyways, when are you going to publish the new book?" The author raised an eyebrow and asked "what new book? And how did you know?"

The Pandavas laughed and Yudhishthir replied"we know! The story of rebirth!" The author said "ofcourse my little darling spies! But first I have to finish writing my current book and then I will begin!"

The Pandavas beamed with excitement and exclaimed "YEAHHHHHH! anyways what's the plot?" The author said "it's a story of rebirth in Kaliyug! you all are going to be secret mafia's and Panchali will be the one to teach you kindness and the normal mahabharata problems and wait WHY AM I SAYING THIS NOW?"

Arjun said already day dreaming"Aii haiiii! Mera Dil ki rani" Yudhisthir corrected "Hamare Dil ki rani" and they all nodded still day dreaming about meeting Panchali in Kaliyug! Now who will tell this men that they are with Panchali right now and that poor girl is crying and these men are here teasing the author instead of being with their wife! Oh god Men these days!

"yes yes now get lost" the author said irritated! Nakul replied "See you can't tell the most handsome man to get lost in the face and I am hella excited to shoot some heads mercilessly and even Bhratha wouldn't talk about his Dharma and boring speeches!" The author said excited "for your kind information in Kaliyug Yudhisthir will be the most handsome!" The Pandavas except Yudhisthir held their mouth hung open while the author continued "And Bheem will be the most strongest" and laughed at the Pandavas! To which Nakul said "Dosen't matter just look at us"

"yes yes now get lost" the author said irritated! Nakul replied "See you can't tell the most handsome man to get lost in the face and I am hella excited to shoot some heads mercilessly and even Bhratha wouldn't talk about his Dharma and boring spe...

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