Karn to abandon Ang?

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Karn with a devasted mind went to his home! Questions firing in his mind which he needs answers for! His eyes were completely red and his face was a mask of confusion, anger, and sadness!
He slowly went to his home! There he found Vishali doing house chores and his mother preparing his food!
He questioned, "Whose son am I?"
Radha looked at Karn with questions! And replied casually "Mine dear" Karn replied heartless "Oh really?" 

Radha became anxious and started shouting "If I wasn't your mother will I come to know about your likes and dislikes?  If I wasn't your mother would come to your rescue when you called 'ma' during childhood? f  wasn't your mother will  prepare your favor food?"

Karn became all teary by now but then Radha in a flow stated "Even if I didn't give birth to you I still took care of you more like a mother right?" Karn felt broken, he felt his entire world leaving him, the ground became slippery and his eyes became a blur! He left from there slowly and reached his chamber in the palace! He looked at his crown, which took everything from him. All the flashbacks of how he was trying to hurt his own family flashed in front of him. lakshagrah incident and Panchali's humiliation. He cried.

after 1 hour

Karn stepped out of the Hastinapur palace leaving behind his jewelleries, his kingdom and his friendship. In normal clothes with his danush he stepped out of the big doors of Hastinapur where Vishali was already waiting for him. Both of them decided to leave the nagar! 

On the way they met Pandavas along with their wife who was smiling and seeing her Karn felt his heart beginning to be heavy! He decided to ignore them but Sahdev saw him and tauntingly said "Oh look who is going, a man who calls himself a 'veer'"  All the pandavas laughed but Panchali stayed quiet. 

Karn looked at Sahdev and said "Yes I am a veer better than you all". To which Arjun replied "Atleast we respect women" and all smirked painfully because none of the Pandavas really expected this from Karn. They didn't excepted him to behave like this. 

Vishali replied "We are leaving the nagar Kumars! Arya left everything behind" Panchali became shocked but behind her Kunti replied "Good! You can stay with us tonight. It's becoming really dark and I think you need to rest" 

Karn was about to decline but Pandavas just for the sake of their mothers words insisted and they stayed with them that night.

TO BE CONTINUED................. 

What do you think will happen next? Why did Kunti asked Karn to stay that night? Did Krishn left Hastinapur? What will Pandavas do?  

Answer in the comments!!! 

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