❤️ Only ours ❤️

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Note:- Since you guzz wanted mature scenes of Pandavas and Panchali here it is! This is not that mature, it's just a spicy romance, I am not a good mature scene writer. I wrote till how much I could! Please excuse your innocent author!



The below given content carries romantic moments and a bit mature scenes (I guess) if you don't want to read it you can skip this chapter and move to the next chapter and you won't miss anything important!


Author's P.O.V

It was Radha's wedding, they were throwing flowers at the newly married couple when Panchali felt flowers showering upon her she looked at her husband's who were showering flowers at her! She blushed and said, "Aarya it's not our wedding it's Radha's you are supposed to shower flowers on them!" She said trying to correct their actions but then they said in unison "It's ok! We can get married again!" Panchali was a red tomato she let them do what they were doing otherwise she would be blushing and giggling in the crowd!

After the ceremonies, Panchali got Radha ready for her first night and left!

Panchali went to her room Yudhisthir was already there looking at some political documents and saw her coming inside the chamber he asked her "Please lock the door on the way!" She did as he asked her to! She turned just to get caged between the doors and her husband. He came near her face breathing directly at her cheeks she asked in a barely audible voice "Arya..what are you..." Then came his reply "Loving my wife" and he kissed the tip of her nose and then her cheeks before slamming his lips with her kissing her with all that he was! She felt as if he was kissing her soul and not her body!

He kissed his way down her neck sucking and biting there leaving hickeys wherever he went! "Arya" she moaned. "Yes sweetheart" he called her back! The feel of her soft featherly lips drove him crazy he desired her all more. He took her bridal style still not breaking the kiss and laid her on the bed. He clutched the soft locks of her hair strands tugging them sharply but not painfully! He kissed her lips biting them! And mumbled towards her lips "What is it about you that whenever I touch you I can't stop?" He asked with love as he bit her lips sharply since she wasn't opening up she gasped letting him in! His hands found their way to her blouse lace as he undid it sharply and threw it away letting the cloth material fly! Her breath hitched as he bit her nape! He lay her on the bed as he backed off and looked at her half-naked form!

He traced his index finger from her forehead down her body and it stopped at her navel! He kissed her and she gasped and moaned "Arya" and he growled "louder princess" and she moaned again "Aarya." His kisses were setting her body on fire. His lips wrapped around the swells of her chest as his tongue played with her pebbled nub as she arched from the bed and gasped loudly holding his hair locks and turning her head from right to left and from left to right! (Rest you all imagine! I can't write anymore!) and soon the room filled with gasps and screams of pleasure as Panchali submitted herself to Yudhisthir and she became his in all sense!
Dharmraj's Dharma!


Bheem was in the kitchen cooking ladoos! Panchali entered the kitchen they were in Karn's home which was large enough for at least 50 people to stay! Panchali went towards him and back-hugged him! She always loved hugging Bheem, his body heat always calms her down!

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