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Sun rays peeped through the curtains reveling the most beautiful women of the whole Aaryavrat, she had a beautiful smile on her face, her big lashes covering her eyes.

"Bhrata I am feeling something and that is not good" Sahdev siad with full concern looking at his older brother

"I don't know Sahdev! This journey itself is not good but we have to go for the sake of our mother" Yudhishthir said looking at Panchali

Suddenly Panchali blinked her eyes open terrified making all the Pandavas who were dressing up silently, rush towards her

A:- What happened Krishna?

N:- Are you fine butterfly?

Bheem brought water for her and she drank it very quickly and his her face behind yudhishthir's neck

"Aarya pls don't go, i am not feeling good about this, this is not good please" she said tears brimming from her eyes

"What happened putri? Yesterday you duas it's fine and today why are you saying like this?" Kunti asked entering the room

P:- "Mata, please otherwise allow me to come with you"

K:- Tha's not possible dear, please this is talk of only 5 days right?

Panchali nodded Kunti hugged her

K:- Go and get ready Panchali and you 5 idiots come fast

Pandavas hugged Panchali and left with their mother

Panchali left out a deep sigh of regret

Panchali's P.O.V

Why am I feeling so down? Why is my heart quivering? This is not good Govind this is not good please help me

I went up and got ready went to tell my Aarya's bye and when I came i was shocked by what's going on Angraj taking blessings of Mata Kunti?

Did sun rose from West today?

I let it go as soon as my Aarya's looked at me smiling I smiled back still not sure about how I am going to stay these 5 days.

I bid goodbye to my Hearts. My eyes was becoming watery why?? I looked from corner of my eyes to see Dhuryodhan looking at me with complete lust. I felt disgusted along with him was Dushasan. Oh god!

I turned and left for my chamber letting all my thoughts aside!

Went to temple and prayed to almighty to keep my Aarya's safe.....

Nakul's P.O.V

Why was Panchali looking so depressed? And most shocking thing was Karn taking blessings of Mata which means really something bad is going to happen.

We reached Varnavrat's door?

B Y:- Why is this palace far from Varnavrat purochan?

P:- oh Yuvraj! We wanted to make a beautiful and big palace for you now you only tell know how can we get such space inside Varnavrat?

We all actually agreed with his statement but something fishy is there!

Mata wanted to lighten up the Diya! So we lighten it and went inside

P:- you don't have to even light up a Diya maharani

S:- But how will the palace light up during Amavas?

B:- Leave that all Sahdev! Who is going to live here till Amavas? Now see that there are so much mirror in this palace think how Nakul is going to enjoy these!

Everyone laughed at his comment and moved to our chambers laughing but little did we know what was waiting for us.

Author's P.O.V

She:- Who delights our hearts 💖Where stories live. Discover now