When I walk along the long halls in the new strange school I can't see one single sign of life. It's is dead quiet and I am just walking and walking. This feels so weird. The silence is broken by a vague sound of music. I follow it, but I doesn't get any louder. Suddenly a boy rushes past me. Where the hell did he come from. I follow him and the music gets louder. I reach a door and without thinking I open it. My eyes water as I see who is sitting on the other side of the door. I can't believe my eyes, they are actually here. Maybe this year won't be that bad after all. The strange boy I met earlier once again passes me, but this time he turns around and place his mouth by my ear and takes a breath BIIIIIP! What? Again, BIIIIIP!
BIIIIP BIIIIP! The alarm goes off and interrupts my sleep. I quickly silence it. Ugh, I absolutely hate the sound of that dreaded alarm in the morning. I drag my lethargic body out of bed and to my wardrobe. I instantly regret not picking out an outfit yesterday. My sense of fashion in the morning is just shameful. I end up wearing the usual black tight jeans, a plain white t-shirt and my vans. My hair is crazy as most mornings, I do actually think that it has a life of its own. I put it up into a messy bun and then force myself down the stairs to the kitchen.
"Good morning Lola. How are you dear?" My mom's cheery voice fill the kitchen. It's too early to be polite. I'll save that too later."I don't know" I carelessly respond. I don't mean to sound rude, but when I'm gonna start the fifth school in three years, I have the right to be a little off. If the circumstances were different I would be nervous to start a new school in the second year of high school, but I have done this enough times to know that this year is not gonna be any different from the others.
"Hey there sweetie" My dad says to my younger sister when he enters the room."Hi Daddy!" Hi daddy, I mock to myself. How can she be so.....I don't know.... yucky?"Dad gives my mom a peck on the cheek and hugs Dora. He must have noticed me eyeing him, because he walks over to me and gives me a rub on the back."Oh, I haven't forgotten about you, angel. Are you nervous for today?" I really want to ask him what he thinks, why would I be, but I decide against it."No, I'm good. I will get going soon." I'm actually surprised he didn't whip out a new school bag or a fancy necklace for me. He has done that every time when I have transferred."Do you need a ride to school, Dora?" I ask. Since her school is only 5 minutes away from mine, I can drive her."Yeah, about that Lola. I've got a little surprise for you." Oh no. What now. I really don't like getting things from him. I feel like I somehow have to pay him back when he gives me things."It's not much, but I couldn't not buy this when I saw it. I don't know if you still like these models, but I remember that you loved them when you were younger." I follow my dad out to the driveway and in front of the house is a brand new car. A shiny mercedes in a grey metallic color, it's cab styled and has a very sporty touch to it. It's absolutely stunning, and he was right. I love that model.
As soon as Dora has gone out of the car, I feel a wave of hopelessness crashing onto me. I hate this. I absolutely hate this. I hate being the weird outsider in the front of the classroom. I am so happy that it's only two years left until college. When college comes I can for once settle down.

Settle down
Roman d'amourBeing new is hard, but when you have been new enough times it's not as hard anymore. Lola has never had a problem leaving people behind, but that is about to change. Who is this curly headed boy that will mess up everything that Lola has practiced?