Chapter 5

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To say Hiccup was speechless was an understatement. When the chief had told him he knew of one person that he had to talk to for this visit, he was not entirely sure of what to expect, maybe someone older? He didn't expect to see a teenage girl, with raven black hair and intense bluish-gray eyes, who looked no older than he was when he first met Toothless, standing at the side of a Night Fury.

The room was silent save for the sounds of Blueheart and Toothless walking on the floorboards as they hesitantly observed each other. Blueheart was more hesitant than Toothless, but he didn't seem to notice.

I haven't seen another one of my kind in over 15 years... He remarked, his bright green eyes wide with wonder.

Can't say I say the same. Blueheart replied, slightly narrowing her eyes, sizing him up. She knew he wasn't a threat, but she felt great intrigue for his saddle, and the mechanisms that trailed down his body, connected to an artificial fin, painted bright red with a white fanged face.

Neither Hiccup nor Zyrah knew what to say.

"Beard of Thor..." Was all Zyrah managed to utter. The big, round Viking finally decided to say what was on everyone's minds.

"This is the first time we've ever seen the opposite gender of Night Furies before! I'm Fishlegs, by the way." Finishing his enthusiastic observation with a haphazard introduction.

"Yeah... I'm Zyrah. That's my brother, Rurik, and my best friend, Konall. And this is Blueheart."

"Gods, yes where are our manners!" The blonde next to Hiccup exclaimed, "I'm Astrid! Hiccup's general, it's nice to meet you."

"Snotlout!" The short, black hair man said, flexing his biceps, which earned a collective eyeroll from his friends.

"Ruffnut and Tuffnut!" The female twin introduced herself and her brother.

"And I'm Ana, healer in training!" The last woman said with a beaming smile.

"We're all part of Hiccup's inner circle."

"It's nice to meet you all. So Kjarr, I can deduce one reason why we've been introduced. But yet I feel there's something else."

"Always on my case," Kjarr chuckled, "well one of the archipelago's traders happened to give me a good word about Berk having made peace with dragons five years ago." Zyrah expressed her surprise.

"What? How are we hearing about this now?"

"Well, to be fair Firewind is much further south than we've been before. But as Kjarr mentioned, the word being passed around through the traders spread. I heard about Firewind and expressed interest in visiting. After a few letters were exchanged, Kjarr agreed to let us visit. But that aside, we still were facing issues with dragon hunters even after Drago Bludvist's fall, and we didn't want any unnecessary risks posed to our dragons, especially Toothless here." Hiccup explained.

In the back, Rurik and Konall snickered at the name Drago Bludvist.

"We thought it was funny, too," Astrid said.

"But it took losing my father, and almost losing Toothless to make us realize how much things have changed, not just for us, but for our dragons too. But on the flipside, I reunited with my long-lost mother."

"Who's proven to be full of dragon knowledge!" Fishlegs piped up with glee.

"Oh wow. Uh, that is a lot going on. I don't think we got time for much storytelling here, though." Zyrah said, grimacing slightly, not wanting to offend her chief.

"Ahh, yes. The great hall would be a better spot for you to converse." Kjarr offered.

With that said, the group made their way to the great hall where there was plenty of room for the riders and their dragons. Rurik's Nadder and Konall's Skrill even tagged along to keep Blueheart company.

As they walked down the paths, Killgrave, the Nadder, hurried to Blueheart's side, who wasn't paying much attention to him.

Hey, thoughts on the male? He began, not willing to be patient.

Subtle much? Lightbolt remarked, giving his friend a look.

Sue me for wanting to know more about a MALE Night Fury! Killgrave replied.

There's not much from me on that. Blueheart finally said.

What're you talking about?

It's not all that remarkable. She scoffed.

Well, not to take sides, but I don't blame Killgrave for being curious. The rest of us haven't seen another Night Fury besides you. Lightbolt explained. Blueheart stopped for a moment, having not considered his point.

Alright, fair enough. But don't pester me. Or him either. She ended the conversation as they entered the great hall, taking their spots near their riders as they all settled in for some storytelling.

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