Chapter 24

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The riders had no idea what the dragons were saying, but it was evident this turned into a family reunion.

The older female and the two smaller females appeared ecstatic by Toothless's presence.

After all these years... The older female murmured, nuzzling Toothless, my Ryvir...

He beamed, he hadn't heard his mother's voice in so long, he'd almost forgotten what it sounded like. He could recognize the faces of his sisters, though... they were one short.

Irmessa... The oldest of the siblings, she was about two to three years older than Toothless. They were separate single clutches. She was the one with cooler blue-green eyes. The two shared similar eye shapes.

And the younger one with the shade of green around her pupils in contrast to her light seafoam blue eyes, Vekyss. The acknowledged female beamed at hearing her brother say her name again.

Wait... where's Erleth? Toothless asked, having noticed she was missing. His mother's face fell at the mention of her missing daughter.

She was kidnapped and murdered by hunters ages ago... His mother, Ayry, somberly informed him. She and Vekyss were so little... Erleth was taken not too long after you. For years... I thought I had only two of my children left. But I'm overjoyed to know I was wrong... Warbling sadly, Ayry nuzzled her son against his head once more.

You look fantastic, by the way. Irmessa smirked.

Thanks, Messie. He replied with her old nickname, to which she rolled her eyes, but before I get too ahead of myself. I want you to meet someone.

Toothless made his way to Hiccup's side, nudging him gently, receiving a pat on the head.

The twig? Ayry remarked. Toothless didn't want to disrespect his mother, but she wasn't entirely wrong.

My twig, yes. Mother, this is Hiccup, my rider. And these are all of my friends and their riders. Pair by pair, Toothless introduced his fellow dragons and their riders, all of whom were enthusiastic to meet other Night Furies for the first time.

Fishlegs pulled out his notebook and began scribbling down notes, not caring how late at night it was. He pulled Hiccup over, showing him what he wrote down.

"It definitely seems to confirm that females have cooler colored eyes than males! Look at the other Night Furies, some of them even have yellow eyes!"

"Don't get too ahead of yourself, Fishlegs. We should wait until morning so we can better detail."

"You're right! You're right! And I'm just as enthusiastic, but... we ought to be cautious with them."

"What should we do? It's still really late and I need my beauty sleep." Snotlout announced. After rolling his eyes, Hiccup shifted his attention to Toothless.

"Bud? What do you want to do?" Toothless faced his mother, who looked to be thinking.

We'll return after dawn and do some more catching up. She assured with a smile, and loving lick to the face, to which Toothless grimaced at. The Night Furies then disappeared into the woods, almost like they were a part of it.

"Spooky! But cool!" Ruffnut enthused.

"Gotta agree on that. Let's hope they return in the morning and figure out a plan then."

Dawn finally broke, casting pastel shades of pink and orange over the clouds. And on an island Blueheart hadn't seen in years. It felt invigorating to be home at last, as an added bonus, she could see thin trails of smoke coming from the forest edge. Just as planned, the riders were here, waiting for them.

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