Chapter 25

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Zyrah wasted no time and desperately raced after her dragon.

"ZYRAH WAIT!" Hiccup cried out.

"Great she's gonna get herself killed!" Rurik groaned, chasing his sister.

"C'mon gang!" Hiccup gestured.

Up ahead, Zyrah had little issue with jumping over the various boulders and fallen trees. It was sort of fun, but she was just desperate to catch up to Blueheart. She didn't run off like that very often.

"Blueheart! Wait! Where are you going?!" Craning her neck up, she could barely make out Blueheart's silhouette as she grazed over the treetops, and she was getting deeper and deeper into the forest. How far did this island go?

Eventually, the grass, moss, and dirt turned into gravel and flat rock. Looking ahead, she skidded to a stop when she realized it was a cliff.

"WHOA WHOA!!!" She cried out, barely managing to stop in time. Briefly peeking down, she could see that the cliff sloped down towards the ground, which had to be at least a 50-foot drop. At the bottom was an arena-like space.

She didn't get much time to take it in before she caught the sound of the gang catching up to her.

"Guys wait! Slow down!" Her warning came too late, and she was accidentally knocked down the cliff, barreling down to the bottom.

"Shit! Zyrah!" Rurik called out, following her once again, sliding down the cliff face.


The moss and dirt sort of helped break the sibling's fall as they made it to the bottom.

"OWwwwwwwwww..." Zyrah groaned, "that is definitely gonna leave a few bruises."

"No kidding, maybe a dislocated shoulder..." Rurik mumbled, wincing when he touched his arm.

"Why'd you follow me, you moron?" Zyrah exclaimed in frustration.

"I dunno! Lemming instinct! I wasn't gonna let you fall down by yourself." Zyrah clenched her teeth in outrage at her brother's choices, but without the dragons, they couldn't get out of this.

As her frustration began to subside, she took a moment to take in her surroundings with a new perspective.

It was truly like an arena, with the towering cliffs surrounding the circle. Cave entrances of varying sizes dotted the cliff walls, the monochromatic gray volcanic rock was covered with blooming lichen and moss, even vines. And small shrubs grew on the clifftops. It was imposing, but oddly beautiful.

Glancing up, Zyrah called out to the others.

"We're fine! Come on down!" She assured. There were no signs of dragon activity besides the new Night Furies she had just met, but given they were here, there had to be others. Possibly just hiding from the intruders.

With the gang and the dragons rejoining them, Blueheart also landed a short distance away. Zyrah sprinted to her dragon's side, hugging her.

"Don't you just fly away like that, you scared me."

"I think she's okay, Zyrah."

"Now what?" Snotlout groaned, "we're just gonna stand around and wait for the Night Furies to show up again?" Zyrah looked around, frowning.

"We're not waiting... they're already here."


"Guys, look!" She pointed to a cave where several pairs of eyes glowing from a cave entrance.

The same Night Furies from earlier, Toothless's family emerged from the forest and stopped near the young Alpha. But it wasn't just them here to greet the riders.

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