Chapter 43

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In the forest, Nightfire was eagerly bounding through the ferns and undergrowth, following her nose like a bloodhound. And right behind her were her parents, irritated she'd taken off like that.

Blueheart caught up to her first from overhead, and Toothless behind her on foot. Both parents cornered her.

Virva! You cannot just take off like that! Blueheart scolded.

But I was following my nose!

Your mother is right, Virva. It's dangerous for you to go off by yourself without us.

The family was interrupted by the sound of something moving through the brush and a branch snapping in the distance. Alert, Toothless slowly made his way forward, using his hearing and smell to navigate the woods. It was a dragon, but what kind? He would take care of it if it posed any threat to his family.

Keep Virva with you. Toothless instructed. Blueheart didn't need to be told twice. She bent down, picked her daughter up by the scruff of her neck, and was about to take off when she saw Hiccup and Astrid catching up.

"Whew! There you are!" Hiccup said, rubbing Blueheart's cheek. He knew how insanely protective Toothless and Blueheart were, which was understandable.

Then, Blueheart perked up her ears when she heard Toothless interacting with the unknown dragon up ahead. Hiccup and Astrid took note of her reaction, and when she sauntered forward, they followed.

The group approached a clearing that Toothless stood on the edge of, and all were astonished to see a pale dragonic figure lying on the other side of it. Blueheart stopped at Toothless's side, setting Nightfire down between her front legs.

Ryvir? What is it? Before Toothless could answer, the figure up ahead revealed itself. A pure white dragon that looked nearly identical to Toothless and Blueheart but with softer features and pale blue eyes.

The dragon snarled at them, causing Nightfire to retract further against her mother.

It's okay, Virva. Blueheart assured, crouching slightly.

Who are they? The white dragon demanded.

My mate and daughter. Toothless informed, trying to remain as calm as possible.

You... look like us. Blueheart observed. At that moment, the white dragon paused, realizing Blueheart was right. Yet, the brief moment of calm was interrupted when the white dragon's pupils shrank and began growling.

Hiccup and Astrid had attempted to approach as quietly as possible but gave themselves away when one of them stepped on a branch.

"Oh, my gods!" Hiccup whispered in awe.

"Uh, Hiccup!" Astrid exclaimed, seeing the dragon was preparing to fire.

Then the dragon fired at them, freaking Nightfire out. Toothless quickly shielded his family from the blast. Hiccup and Astrid barely missed the impact, destroying the trees around them.

Humans! They're dangerous! Be careful! The white dragon cried.

Wait no! Stop! They won't harm you! Toothless attempted, but his plea fell on deaf ears.

"Yeah. You know, we're friends! No need to kill us."

Frightened, the white dragon roared and took off into the night sky, blowing fire and flying into it, disappearing into thin air.

Did she just... disappear?! Blueheart exclaimed.

Whoa! Came Nightfire, stepping out from under her mother.

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