Chapter 38

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A distant explosion caught their attention as the five made their way around the village, with Hiccup in the lead, introducing them to other important Berkians.

"Speak of Hel." Hiccup sighed. Coming around the towering spire of a mountain the Great Hall was carved into, a purple Monstrous Nightmare that the twins were currently chasing made its way towards the village, with the rider screeching at the top of their lungs.

"So... I take it that's Gustav?" Rurik inquired, receiving an exasperated nod from Hiccup.

"That would be him. His dragon's name is... Fanghook."

"Not very creative in the naming department?"

"Well, for starters, he named his dragon after Hookfang. So that should tell you everything."

"Yeah! And I still hate it!" Snotlout exclaimed when he overheard the group, also on his way to Gobber to drop off his own weapons.

"We know, Snotlout." When the teenager saw Hiccup, he clumsily landed Fanghook nearby. He dismounted the purple Nightmare, marching over to the young chief and his guests, an overconfident grin plastered on his face.

"'Sup, chief!" Gustav greeted.

"Hi, Gustav." Hiccup mustered his reply. Gustav ignored Hiccup and turned his attention to the three strangers who bore unimpressed expressions.

"So, you gonna introduce me to your friends? Or do I gotta guess?"

"Yes, yes, of course. Gustav, meet Zyrah, Konall, and Rurik. They're my guests during their stay on Berk."

"And why's that?"

"Uh, well... my dragon is a female Night Fury. And she's mates with Toothless, and they're expecting their first egg, so it'll be safe for her to have it here."

"Oh." Gustav deadpanned. He'd been hoping it was something more exciting, and what that exciting prospect was now escaped him.

"What, did you think there was something crazier going on?" Gustav shrugged, unsure of how to answer. But before anyone could add to the conversation, Valka was seen coming down to the village square, making her way to the group.

"Mom? Is everything alright?" She directed her attention onto Zyrah.

"Zyrah, I think Blueheart is ready." Valka didn't need to add more as the raven-haired teenager sprinted back to the Haddock house, and upon reaching the front door, she could hear guttural groans from the back rooms. Outside, Cloudjumper and Lightbolt were seemingly communicating with the Night Fury pair inside the house.

As she made her way into the back extension, she found Toothless standing in front of Blueheart protectively, quietly growling in Zyrah's direction.

"Easy... Toothless. You know I'm here to help her... right? We both want the same." Zyrah assured, extending her hand for the Alpha, reminding him she wasn't a threat. Even though Toothless had familiarized himself with Zyrah and her scent, it was his instincts screaming at him to protect his mate at all costs. But he suppressed his inner thoughts enough to express acknowledgment of Zyrah's presence.

She cautiously made her way to Blueheart's side, where the female was in the process of laying her first egg. She had no idea of how long this would last, but for Blueheart's sake, she hoped it wouldn't be long. Then again, no one had ever seen a Night Fury egg. How big were they? Were they Gronckle-sized? Bigger? Smaller? What if they had texture?

A million questions circled Zyrah's mind as she settled next to her beloved dragon, allowing Blueheart to rest her head on Zyrah's lap if she needed to. The teen felt helpless as she watched her dragon do whatever she could to ward off the pain and discomfort, Blueheart snarling at Toothless numerous times if he stepped too close or if the hay was rustled.

Maybe five minutes following Zyrah, Hiccup appeared at the threshold of the room, but Zyrah made a frantic gesture to stay away, feeling that his presence would tick off Blueheart. She didn't want to agitate her further. Taking the signal, Hiccup slowly stepped away, gesturing that he would be waiting.

"Freyja... give her strength..." Zyrah whispered, mostly to herself. She closed her eyes, waiting for something to change.

Zyrah's ears perked up upon hearing Blueheart finally breathe at a normal pace for what seemed to be instantaneously and an eternity at the same time. She had laid back down on her side, eyes half open in exhaustion.

"Blueheart?" Zyrah said, refocusing her attention. The female lifted her head, her gaze resting on a perfectly shaped black egg nestled safely next to Blueheart. It was only slightly bigger than a Gronckle egg but significantly smoother, with faint dark gray splotches scattered across the surface. She didn't dare touch it, but she was speechless.

"I'm so proud of you, girl. You did it!" She finally managed, "Hiccup!" Zyrah called, and within moments, the young chief made it back, falling to his knees at the sight of the egg.

"Oh, my gods..." He uttered, his green eyes wide as he marveled at the sight. Toothless joined Hiccup's side and nudged him gently.

"Congrats, bud!" Zyrah beamed at her friend, and through a wordless exchange, she and Hiccup both understood how monumental this was.

After a bit, the two friends left their dragons to relax and have some peace with each other. Knowing their riders, they'd have the rest of the day and evening, mostly to allow Blueheart to regain her strength. It may have been one egg, but this was Blueheart's first, and she didn't want the risk of overexerting herself, even while the egg was incubating.

I'm so proud of you. Toothless gushed, nuzzling Blueheart's head. He couldn't believe this was happening, that this was real life. His mate had just laid their first egg, and now it was a waiting game for their egg to hatch and welcome a Night Fury hatchling.

A brief period after Blueheart recovered from laying her egg, with Toothless having gone to talk to his male friends, she perked her ears up when she heard Stormfly and Meatlug approach the house extension. The Nadder and Gronckle peeked their heads inside to see how their friend was doing.

Blueheart! Stormfly greeted with a beaming smile.

Hello Stormfly, hi Meatlug.

How're you doing? The Gronckle inquired, her gaze landing on the glossy black egg.

I'm exhausted, but I'm on cloud 9. This is just the beginning.

We both know that feeling. And since you'll be on Berk for a while, we're here if you need any kind of help. Also, I'm sure you might be aware, but Toothless can get a bit over the top and be super protective.

Oh? How bad?

It depends, but we just wanted to make sure you're aware. If he's being a tad too much, just let one of us know.

Oh, well, thank you. Though, I'm sure I can handle him.

Glad to hear it! In that case, we'll leave you to rest.

After Stormfly and Meatlug departed, Toothless returned to comfort his mate, giving her another loving nuzzle.

Are you doing alright? A slow nod.

Just tired. Stormfly and Meatlug came by to say congrats.

That's sweet of them. They'll be big supports.

I know. Let's get some rest now. With that said, even though it was still daylight, the pair nestled in for a nice nap.

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