Chapter 37

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After striking up a cordial friendship with Cloudjumper and Skullcrusher, Blueheart felt more comforted being on Berk. But she was exhausted from the energy of the Great Hall, even though it was far from its full capacity.

Sensing his mate's discomfort, Toothless decided he ought to show Blueheart a quiet spot just for the two of them.

When Zyrah noticed the pair exiting the Great Hall, she was initially unsure, but Hiccup stepped in to assure her that they would be perfectly safe being out by themselves. Hiccup had to overcome the same anxiety more times than he cared to admit, letting Toothless be independent when he had the chance.

Plus, there was the additional safety of Berk's flock protecting their Alpha if necessary.

Stepping out in the cool night air, Blueheart sucked in a deep breath, feeling an appreciation for the quiet environment, with the distant sounds of dragon calls, sheep bleats, or hearty laughs and cheers from different homes within the village. The sky was perfectly clear, stars twinkling overhead, and the moon was almost full.

It was a beautiful night.

Might I suggest an evening stroll? Toothless suggested with a toying grin, flexing his mechanical fin a bit awkwardly. She mirrored his grin, joining his side, their bodies seemingly a perfect match. She fit perfectly against him, her powerful, slender body matching his own powerful, muscular body.

Together, they wandered through Berk's boreal forest, the towering pines and firs shadowing them, making the air feel cooler than it was in the village. Distant owl's hoots echoed, adding to the atmosphere. A low, sparse fog had also fallen over the forest floor, casting an eerie glow on the Night Fury pair.

Toothless marveled at how Blueheart's eyes seemed to have a glow all their own and the way her complete tail swished around in the fog.

He never dared to admit it, but he felt a twinge of envy whenever he spied his mate's tail. Both fins intact, and her having complete control of them. And with the knowledge that the egg she still carried... would also be born with a complete tail.

Blueheart appeared to notice his shift in demeanor, his eyes glancing away whenever her tail was in sight. Concerned, she turned to him.

Ryvir? Her gentle voice questioned, soliciting his attention. She gazed lovingly at him, and he knew she was onto him.

Myrai... He answered in a low tone, closing his eyes, curling his head around hers, and resting his chin on her neck.

What's on your mind? He sluggishly pulled back before then angling his head in the direction of her stomach.

The egg? She inquired. It hasn't even been laid yet. He sighed.

It's... not entirely that. I just... it's not something I've really talked about before, not with Stormfly or Cloudjumper.


My tail. He swung his tail between them, sitting down and staring at it. He could move and flex it to a limited degree, but with Hiccup left the current tail mechanics, he did not have full control over it.

What of it?

It's just... it's a challenge. Being the Alpha, I have this tail when I can barely lift off the ground by myself without Hiccup's help. He vented, and with you carrying our egg, with the knowledge that our baby will be born with a complete tail-

Ryvir. She interrupted, it's okay. I understand.

He blinked.


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