Chapter 41

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With the sun rising, the riders made their way to Berk with a flock of newly rescued dragons. Hiccup was proudly showing off his island to the new dragons atop Toothless, and as he rambled on, Blueheart had to roll her eyes.

After Nightfire was born, Zyrah opted that she, Konall, and Rurik live on Berk. It would make things easier, and it was an added bonus that it gave the three of them independence, especially Zyrah and Rurik, being the youngest of their family. And, of course, Konall was just happy to be there.

Not to mention, in the following months, more dragon trappers began showing up in the archipelago in vast numbers. And so, Hiccup deduced it was time to really do something about it. He made everyone armor made of the shed scales of their dragons to make them fireproof.

And while Konall and Rurik were thrilled to have armor of their own, they oddly preferred being on Berk and helping out.

"Plus, someone needs to watch the hatchling," Konall observed. He had offered Fishlegs to watch over Fishmeat, but for some odd reason, Fishlegs refused, even though Fishmeat and Nightfire would be babysat by someone responsible.

Hiccup does love his speeches... Blueheart sighed.

You know him. Toothless reminded, head to the house and get Nightfire. I'll meet you there after I help this new troupe get settled in.

Sounds good! Zyrah then playfully saluted Hiccup as she and Blueheart headed for the Haddock house, with Ana right behind her, who was going to get back to work with Gothi.

Back in the main square, the rescued Crimson Goregutter happily took a seat on a rotating pole stacked with perches for various dragons. As it roared, announcing its entrance, Berkians flooded to greet their newest inhabitants.

Zyrah loved and respected Hiccup extensively, but she was personally not super into the show of welcoming new dragons.

Upon making it to the Haddock house to grab some stuff, a black blur burst through the front door. Zyrah didn't have time to react before she was pinned aggressively to the hard ground. And then she was met with a face full of Night Fury saliva.

"Ugh! Nightfire! That's nasty!" Blueheart came to her rider's rescue by gently grabbing her daughter by the tail in between her gums.

Easy there. They just got back. Zyrah's gotta get some rest... and so do I.

Awwwww, can't I play with her?

How about you play with Uncle Lightbolt? Hm? He and Konall should be up by now.

Oh yeah! Okay! Is Papa in the great hall?

He should be now.

Nightfire was only a few months old now, but she had grown considerably, nearly as long as half Zyrah's height. Since the aforementioned and her partner and brother chose to stay on Berk, the Night Fury hatchling had become particularly attached to her mother's rider.

So close, in fact, that Nightfire had developed a habit of riding on Zyrah's back with her tail curled around her midsection. Hiccup had described seeing the same behavior with the Wingmaidens and their baby Razorwhips. Though, Zyrah didn't trust the idea of relying on a hatchling dragon to fly her around.

After picking up Nightfire, Zyrah and Blueheart then made their way to the house where Zyrah, Konall, and Rurik were living with their respective dragons.

As they walked, the three girls watched as the new Crimson Goregutter accidentally knocked into a tower, causing a domino effect on surrounding buildings and sending them all tumbling into the sea below.

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