Chapter 6

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Hiccup began by explaining how he'd met Toothless, trying to shorten the story so it wasn't boring. But he quickly observed that Zyrah was the most curious to learn about him and Toothless. But once his part was done, Astrid, Fishlegs, Snotlout, Ana, and the twins spoke up and shared their details, sharing a few laughs over recalling old memories.

The discussion fell somber when Hiccup then recalled the events of only a couple of months ago, when Drago brought his dragon army to Berk's shores, and nearly took Toothless away from Hiccup. But through their bond as dragon and rider, they were able to defeat Drago and his Bewilderbeast; they did not fail to mention how Drago's Alpha had defeated Valka's Alpha. Valka being his mother.

The three teenagers were understandably in awe of Hiccup's journey, from how he met Toothless, to becoming chief of Berk.

"Man, and to think Blueheart attacked me in the forest! Not nearly as interesting!" Zyrah snorted.

"She attacked you?" Astrid echoed, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I was going into the woods to get firewood alongside my big brother, but I got distracted. And then I heard this terrifying screech, and I was smart enough to know that meant it was time to go home, with firewood or not," Zyrah made sure to send Blueheart a playful glare, which was responded with a good smack on the head with her wing. "Anyway, she'd been hiding up in the trees, and then she just straight-up tackled me into the ground! She scared the daylights out of me, but I got away and got home safely. But then she made quite the scene when she followed me!"

"Our village has had peace with dragons for generations, and everyone knows about Night Furies, but no one had ever seen one in person, not even a passing glimpse until Blueheart showed up quite literally out of nowhere. We've been stuck with her since!" Rurik finished.

"Fascinating, two different encounters!" Fishlegs noted.

"So she just kinda... showed up?" Hiccup asked. Zyrah nodded in confirmation.

"Night Furies have never been seen in the woods on our island ever. She was pretty young too. Not a baby, but we think she was a teenager? We're not sure. She doesn't look exactly like Toothless, especially not in the eyes..." Zyrah observed, trailing off as she glanced between the male and female.

"At least they're getting along." Konall offered.

"Well, there's plenty of time to learn more, we'll be staying for a while. We want to set up some trade deals and other diplomatic stuff. But since we're still here, we wanna know more about you guys." Hiccup said, gesturing to the three of them.

"What do you wanna know?" Zyrah asked, leaning back in her seat.

"First, you guys are all the same age?" Snotlout spoke up immediately. Zyrah, Rurik, and Konall all glanced at each other.

"About so yeah. Rurik's the oldest, I'm a few months younger, and then Zyrah is about 9 months younger than Rurik." Konall explained.

"Zyrah and I are the youngest of five. She's the baby sister, we have Olsen, Alvar, Eindride, and then me."

"I'm confused though," Ruffnut said.


"I mean, you two are 9 months apart, but it seems unlikely your mom got pregnant that quickly after having a baby." The blonde observed. The others in her group seemed surprised by her observation, but they couldn't disagree with her.

"I hate to say it, but she does have a point. Seems a bit weird." Rurik and Zyrah looked at each other uncomfortably, unsure of what to say.

As if by chance, their mother called their names, making her way over.

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