Chapter 30

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Initially, it'd started with chasing the Night Furies, and somehow, the tables had turned against Einar. Although he managed another strike on the older Alpha, the daughter was enraged, followed by other Furies seemingly her age.

Zyrah was trying to get Blueheart to stop, but the female was overpowering, and her anger coursed through her veins. She didn't care about Einar and Zyrah's being blood, he'd severely wounded her father, and he wouldn't get away with it.

Blueheart cornered Einar against a steep rock wall, her siblings and friends behind her.

Fire at the face, sis. Kivar growled in manic encouragement, stopping at his sister's side.

Zyrah knew Blueheart was the type to shoot to kill if necessary. But something in the teenager told her that this wasn't the way to end this.

"Girl, no... no. We can't do this." Zyrah interjected, receiving a flabbergasted look from Blueheart's brother.

Is she insane? He hurt Dad!

"Zyrah!" Came Ana's voice, "Come quickly!" Her tone was desperate, and the girls ran, with Blueheart's brother close behind, leaving one Night Fury to guard Einar, making sure he didn't attempt to escape.

"What is it?" Zyrah begged, coming to her knees when she saw the sight of Blueheart's father, collapsed on his side, blood gushing from his neck wounds.

"Oh, my Thor..." She gasped out.

Dad... Blueheart crooned.

"We can save him... right?" Zyrah questioned in hope, looking to Ana. She'd brought supplies just in case, so it'd be her if anyone could help the Alpha male. But to her astonishment, Ana dismally shook her head.

"I wish I could... the wounds are too deep... and my stitches couldn't fix a wound of that severity here."

"Then we take him to Berk! Where you can heal him!"


"We have our dragons. We can easily carry him!"

"Zyrah!" Konall interrupted.

"Zyrah... we all want to save him... but it's way too dangerous taking him away from his island." Hiccup explained, feeling defeated as well. He wanted to do what he could but felt they had few options. Ana didn't have enough necessary supplies to save the Alpha's life, and even if they attempted to bring him to Berk, it would warrant unwanted attention, and he wasn't willing to take that risk.

"I'm sorry..."

"No! We have to! It's not fair! It's Blueheart's father!"

"But your father tried to kill him!" Snotlout reminded, and in a blur, Zyrah attacked him.

"ZYRAH, STOP IT!" Rurik exclaimed, grabbing his sister as she attempted to swing at Snotlout.

"Snotlout, not the time."

"I'm afraid he's succeeded..." Fishlegs announced.


"He's fading," Astrid said, giving the older male a gentle rub on the cheek.

Dad... no... please... Blueheart begged, pushing the riders away, including Zyrah.

Dainom... you stay with me. Vorri demanded.

I... can't... Dainom managed to gurgle out, coughing up blood that had flooded into his throat. He tried to speak, but more blood spurted from his gaping wounds and from within his throat. There was too much blood, and it wasn't clotting fast enough. Zyrah ripped up a handful of moss, attempting to stuff it into the wound, hoping to quell the blood, but it did nothing.

"The blade must've hit a major blood vessel... he won't make it," Ana observed sadly.

The riders froze upon hearing footsteps, seeing Einar attempting to come up behind them. He approached a group of darkened, angry faces boring into his soul.

"Well, guess that's done." He announced casually as if he'd completed a mundane task. Hiccup lit up Inferno, rage coursing through his veins. He wanted to do something to Einar so badly, make him pay for this. But his moral compass told him otherwise, and his subconscious whispered that this was not his fight.

It was Zyrah's.

Zyrah stood, unsure of how she planned to confront her father. Still, before she had a chance to speak, Blueheart charged forward, tackling Einar into the forest floor, rolling them ahead until she pinned him down, paw pressed tightly on his chest, restricting his breathing, maw open and gas building in her throat, preparing for a kill shot.

"Blueheart, stop!" Zyrah protested, rushing to the dragon's side, fighting to push her away, "I can't let you kill him," she expressed.

"What?! Are you crazy?" Snotlout exclaimed, "He's right there!" Zyrah shook her head, finally pushing Blueheart to the side. Einar stared up at her, coughing as he sucked air back into his lungs.

"No..." Zyrah replied, initially hesitant, but conviction crept into her voice, "I can't just... kill him," she paused, "retaliation killing would just make me as bad as him..."

Hiccup couldn't believe what he was hearing. Zyrah was more like him than he had expected. Over the years, facing many enemies, Hiccup never directly killed someone, he never could. After all, if he couldn't kill Toothless all those years ago, how could he bring himself to kill another human being?

Then, something clicked in her. She raised her sword, the blade aiming down.

"Do it. I dare you." Einar spat, "Just embrace it... I know you want to." She narrowed her eyes, expressionless, and to the astonishment of her best friends and their dragons, she brought the sword down on his body, slicing through the right side of his abdomen. But it was not the killing blow he expected.

His eyes nearly burst out of his skull from the agony of the wound. He gazed at his daughter, whose steely gaze seemed to drill into his fading soul.

"It won't be immediately fatal," she informed monotonously, "stab to the side can be healed. But... I think you should suffer, just like he did." She pointed in the direction of the fallen Alpha.

An eye for an eye, in her way.

"Come on, guys, we need to find Ragnhild." She declared with defeat in her voice. She didn't bother wiping her sword of Einar's blood as she sheathed it.

Einar mustered the energy to spit out one last thing with his dying breath.

"Don't... ever... think that... killing me... will stop... others..." He gurgled out, blood spitting from his mouth. His hand trembled as he struggled to lift it, a poor attempt to cover his gushing wound, "as... long as... there are dragons... there... w-will always... be hunters..." He finished, his last words fading as his strength began to leave him.

Zyrah paused as she took in his words. She didn't want to believe them, but the weight of their truth remained as she wordlessly hoisted herself onto Blueheart's saddle.

The air was thick as the group processed Zyrah's actions. Konall and Rurik knew very well that she could kill if necessary, not that she enjoyed it, but they were... perplexed by her choice. Nevertheless, they quickly followed behind.

The riders, however, didn't know what to do. Toothless's heart felt heavy for the loss of his new father-in-law.

"Hiccup... what're we gonna do?" Fishlegs squeaked out, on the verge of tears.

"I-... I don't know, Fishlegs..." Hiccup admitted.

"I think... we ought to let the colony care for the fallen Alpha. They'll know what to do." Ana offered, placing a hand on Hiccup's shoulder.

"She's right. We need to make sure Zyrah's okay." Astrid agreed. A looming sense of loss followed the riders as they all mounted their dragons, taking off to find their friends, hoping it wasn't too late.

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