Chapter 1

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Drago always found out. Drago always found out. Drago always found out.

One fear coursed through the mind of a fearful, desperate, and inexperienced young woman as she and her partner stowed away into the night with their shared secret; a daughter they bore far far away from Drago's grasp.

Both man and woman knew that if Drago was ever aware of this baby's existence, they would all be dead.

They'd been lucky to have found themselves this far away where the fear-inducing madman wouldn't think to look for his trappers.

Childrearing was forbidden amongst Drago's hunters and trappers, and any infants or children born to those within his army were murdered. It was a different story for any children who were brought into the army from the outside world. They would be indoctrinated and trained with no mercy.

This child, born in secrecy, born under Drago's nonexistent mercy, would be the only one spared.

Upon their departure from their hideaway for the past year, the couple found an inhabited island. While the mental stability of the couple was questionable, they still understood the innocence of a baby. And they knew that their child deserved better than anything they had to offer.

They docked their boat and swiftly made their way into the small village, scoping a house they felt would be best to leave their daughter at the mercy of the residents.

With a scribble of her name on a piece of parchment, the gentlest kiss on her forehead, and a gaze at the stars and waxing moon, as soon as they arrived, they were gone.

The baby girl, left in the night, was found by dawn. The man of the house, Halvar, was understandably baffled at the sight of a basket at his front door.

"What in Thor's name?" His confusion turned into alarm when he heard the familiar coo of a baby swaddled and nestled safely within the basket.

Being a father of four sons, Halvar rushed the freezing infant inside to the arms of his beloved wife, Eðla, who was equally alarmed and concerned about this surprise. But their confusion and concern soon disappeared as they and their four sons soon became enamored with this baby girl.

"Zyrah... a bit odd, but a beautiful name nonetheless." Eðla remarked, already bringing the child to her breast, "whoever left her must've been desperate. No one leaves their child like that." Nursing this child alongside her 9-month-old son, Rurik, would prove to be a welcoming challenge, as Eðla accepted Zyrah as her own daughter.

Their elder sons, Olsen, Alvar, and Eindride were understandably perplexed by the whole situation, and couldn't quite understand what was going on, but the first oldest, Olsen, became extremely warm, loving, and protective of his adopted baby sister. And eventually, his brothers followed suit.

Little Zyrah bore no resemblance to her adopted family. With intense stormy gray eyes, raven black hair, noticeably tanner complexion, and multiple moles on her face, she did stand out from her adoptive family. But just like her new family, her village accepted her, raising her in a loving, supportive environment. And her entire village did much the same.

Even before Zyrah's birth, her new home was also home to dragons, who peacefully lived alongside her people. The rest of the Barbaric Archipelago had some catching up to do, knowing that a war against the dragons still raged on even after 100 years. But this little island was a peaceful, welcoming beacon to any dragons that found their way here.

As Zyrah grew alongside her brothers, she was taught and trained in sword-fighting, and dragon riding, becoming extremely proficient in the former, so much so that she stood out amongst her peers, especially her brother Rurik, and her best friend Konall. The three of them taking all the same classes together.

"It makes you wonder where she came from, our people are all very well trained, but I've never seen a child her age pick up these skills so quickly." Her teacher once remarked.

"We have wondered the same for years," Eðla mused.


With the island of Firewind's history of living amongst dragons, most Firewind children trained for and then alongside a dragon that they chose and bonded with. Training usually began around the age of 9 or 10, and Zyrah's brothers had all become dragon riders.

The oldest, Olsen, had a Monstrous Nightmare he lovingly named Daggertooth, for the massive lower canines that resembled the daggers Olsen was gifted for his birthday.

The second oldest, Alvar, had a Deadly Nadder that he named Burner, for the intense Magnesium fire that Nadder's were known for. The third brother, Eindride, also had a Nadder named Redeye, for obvious reasons. And the youngest son, Rurik, followed suit with a Nadder as well, named Killgrave, which was a bit odd, and when asked, he said he just thought it was a cool name.

And Zyrah's best friend, Konall, was notable for his Skrill, a brilliant golden and orange male that he named Lightbolt. Zyrah always teased him for following a trend of naming Skrill's based on their electric-based abilities.

But of course, Zyrah had yet to bond with a dragon of her own. Being 11 now, she had fallen behind most of her classmates, and her eldest brother Olsen had since moved out of the family's house and started a family of his own, and him already being twice her age, they had not been as close as she and Rurik.

But seeing his baby sister struggle, Olsen made sure to give her all the help she needed.

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