Chapter 36

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The towering spire mountains of Berk finally appeared over the horizon, urging the riders to pick up the speed, with the architecture catching the eyes of the guests. Zyrah was breathless as they passed through the two carved sea statues, waves crashing against the rock.

She had been given an idea of what to expect; an ever-expanding village with dragons everywhere, much like Firewind. Though the buildings towered into the sky more than the homes of Firewind. There was such a variety of dragon species flying around, helping haul around wood and chunks of blue ice.

"What's with the ice?" Rurik questioned.

"That's Bewilderbeast ice! From Drago's Bewilderbeast, specifically." Ana explained.

"It caused a lot of damage to the village, it almost killed Toothless and me." Hiccup chimed in.

Yeah, well, I had to protect him cause he chose to challenge Drago. Toothless added with an exasperated tone, causing a laugh from Blueheart.

That's how you got your sick Alpha glow! Belch said.

Hiccup and Toothless led the riders to the village square, where Toothless landed, roaring to announce his return to his flock. Other roars followed as dragons circled their Alpha, chorusing in delight he had returned safely. But the air then fell eerily silent, not just from the dragons, but the Berkians as well when Blueheart and Zyrah landed.

Berk had never been so quiet when the residents realized what they were looking at. Whispers began to pass through the crowd as the shock was processed. Another roar from above signaled the attention of the rider's dragons, craning their heads up as Valka and Eret landed with Cloudjumper and Skullcrusher.

"Son! You're home!" Valka exclaimed, rushing over to bring Hiccup in for a tight hug.

"I'm glad to be home, Mom." Valka's attention was then snagged when she spied Blueheart sitting next to Toothless.

"Son... is..." She managed to say, hesitantly approaching Zyrah and Blueheart. Valka was stunned to see Zyrah there, acknowledging her presence.

"You must be Valka," Zyrah began, offering her an awkward but polite smile. Valka wordlessly bobbed her head in a dragon-esque manner, returning the awkward smile.

"Is... this... Night Fury yours?" She slowly asked, trying to comprehend the sight. Zyrah nodded in confirmation, patting Blueheart's neck.

"She is. This is Blueheart." Valka's eyes widened.

"A female?" Another nod of affirmation.

"Incredible..." Valka held out her hand to Blueheart, showing she wasn't a threat, though Blueheart had sensed that, picking up how her scent was similar to Hiccups.

Hiccup's mother? She observed.

Yep. She's very sweet, but she's still awkward with living on Berk.

Oh, that's right... she spent 20 years with dragons.

Hiccup then spoke up, introducing Berk to Zyrah, Konall, and Rurik with their dragons, informing them that they would be staying for a bit, but making sure to omit the specifics for the time being. He didn't want Blueheart to be overwhelmed by the attention. But she had a suspicion she'd be unable to avoid it with her mate being the Alpha of Berk's flock.

As Hiccup led the group to his house up on the hill, Zyrah was in awe of what Berk was like. She couldn't believe she'd gone almost her whole life not hearing about this place. From a dragon-fighting village to a joyous, active dragon-safe sanctuary.

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