Chapter 44

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Later that evening, inside the Haddock household, Hiccup was on the main floor next to the hearth, skimming through his father's journal and an old map, desperate for clues about the Hidden World.

Meanwhile, the riders were decked out in their armor, hiding in crevasses and in hidden spots around the house, waiting for Grimmel to show up. Blueheart was hiding with them as well, alongside Toothless. Ana, Astrid, and Zyrah huddled together, watching closely.

Next to Hiccup was a Toothless decoy nestled under some blankets.

"Alright. Alright, come on, give me a clue here. Give me a clue, Dad." Hiccup mumbled.

As Hiccup scanned the notes, he heard footsteps from the roof, causing dust to fall from the ceiling. He quietly packed his map and the book away. He searched the house, looking for a silhouette to show up. And in the blink of an eye, from the sound of a singular footstep, Grimmel appeared and began pouring himself a drink.

Zyrah was astonished at the sheer stealth of the man.

"Oh, I hope you don't mind if I help myself. This is, uh... quite good." The white-haired man calmly introduced himself.

In response, Hiccup lit up Inferno. Up above, Zyrah chewed her lip anxiously. She didn't like how this was going, even if the atmosphere was calm. But it was tense.

"That is impressive. But let me finish my drink."

Suddenly, Grimmel whipped out his crossbow, shooting the Toothless decoy.


"Holy shit-" Zyrah whispered, receiving an elbow jab from Astrid.

Hiccup ran to decoy Toothless's side as Grimmel reloaded his crossbow, looking smug.

"What did you do to him?"

"Eh, nothing that he won't sleep off." Grimmel informed, taking a seat in Stoick's chair, "Ahh. Haha. May I? Chief Hiccup, hmm? Do I say Chief Hic-cup, or do I just call you Hiccup? What do you prefer?"

Hiccup sternly watched Grimmel, his anger slowly rising.

"You have no idea who I am, do you? Well, your father knew of me. Now, that was a chief. One of the greatest dragon hunters to have ever lived! What would he think of you?"

Zyrah saw the clenched fists of Astrid and Ana, respectively. No one ever talked badly about Hiccup like that when they were around.

"He did it right, you know. Making it his mission to destroy the beasts so that you could grow up in a better world."

"He changed his mind. Everyone did. Even other islands before us, too."

"And look where that got him." Hiccup's face fell at the jab.

"So, let's get to the point. I am the Night Fury killer. I've hunted every last one but yours. You are going to give me that dragon. Or I will-"

Zyrah's hand flew to her mouth, nearly losing her balance. He was just like her parents. Blueheart quickly glanced at her rider to assure her it was going to be okay. Hiccup was good at negotiations. Right?

"I will never give him up." He was already thinking of Zyrah's parents and what they tried to do. And now he could understand her anxiety.

"You wish dragons to live free among us like equals?" Grimmel continued, "A toxic notion, my boy. History has shown that we are the superior species. What if word of your misguided ideas were to spread? It would be the undoing of civilization as we... know it. Hmm."

Grimmel had caught onto the ploy against him. Eyes narrowed, he kicked at the tail filled with straw, causing Fishlegs to reveal himself from beneath the covers, affected by the serum shot into him.

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